Final Fantasy XV Reviews

Final Fantasy XV is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
95 / 100
Dec 27, 2016

Final Fantasy XV does not disappoint after waiting for so long to enjoy it. The relationship that formed throughout the game between Noctis and his friends is definitely one of the strongest aspects of the story. But the rest of the story is just as good, even if it is lighthearted at times and silly. It does have its moments that'll tug on your heartstrings, and the soundtrack by Yoko Shimomura helps paint an epic tale that I was glad to have been a part of and experience after first seeing Noctis in a trailer over ten years ago. Final Fantasy XV certainly is moving the franchise forward in the right direction. I absolutely cannot wait to see where the series will go with Final Fantasy XVI. I just hope it isn't 2026 before we see another mainline entry.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 10, 2016

A great Final Fantasy for newcomers and old timers alike. Even though it's story feels rushed at times, it's great open world, fighting mechanics and heartbreaking finale makes the game worthwhile.

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Nov 26, 2016
REVIEW: Final Fantasy XV (No Spoilers, Exclusive) video thumbnail
Top Critic
Nov 28, 2016

I was really skeptical that Final Fantasy XV could ever be successful; but despite some real flaws, it ultimately won me over. I warmed to the characters over the course of many camping trips, found more than I was expecting in the open world, and even enjoyed the bombastic setpieces. I have no doubt that it will be harshly criticized in some circles, but it also has some real merit. Stick with it even if you find yourself rolling your eyes at the opening hours: You may be surprised by how much you end up enjoying yourself.

82 / 100
Feb 17, 2017

FF15 is a great game that takes the franchise into a new direction. If you enjoy exploration, the imaginative stories of JRPGs and real time combat, this game is for you.

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Jan 9, 2017

Final Fantasy XV is good, but not great, and after a decade in development I feel it should be better.

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Mar 2, 2017

Final Fantasy XV was a game I truly enjoyed and is something I’d love to talk about with other gamers, but again, the only way I can recommend it is if you’re willing to invest the time in its non-video game lore.

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9.1 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2016

Final Fantasy XV is a very different title from what the series has offered us so far, but that's not a bad thing at all. Opting for a more compact narrative storytelling which can be finished in about twenty hours, it turns us into spectators of a story that is much deeper than it seems. But it also offers a gigantic and magnificent open world with sceneries that will make you drool like the graphic nerd you are. Topped with many sidequests, bounties and upcoming downloadable contents to extend the lifetime to hundreds of hours, Final Fantasy XV succeeds its bet and proves to be a must for this end of year gaming season.

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