Shines Over: The Damned

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1.5 / 10
Garage Band Gamers
2 / 10
Thumb Culture
3 / 5
Comunidad Xbox
75 / 100
Creators: Firenut Consulting S.L.
Release Date: Mar 21, 2024 - PlayStation 5
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Shines Over: The Damned - Announcement Release Trailer | PS5 Games

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Shines Over: The Damned Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for Shines Over: The Damned

If it wasn’t clear already, Shines Over: The Damned is a really bad game, which isn’t worth your money or your time, even if it lasts just half an hour. It’s a short, but definitely not sweet experience, completely lacking in scares, story, atmosphere, or neat ideas. To make matters worse, it costs way too much for something so short. The easy platinum trophy you can get from it is not worth the pricetag. At its worst, it was a frustrating gameplay experience. At its best, it was an experimental snorefest.

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Shines Over - The Damned is advertised as a horror walking sim adventure and doesn't really do any of the genres justice. The horror elements are there, the walking is minimal, and the adventure is nowhere to be found. It's a weird game, but one that fails to accomplish anything else.

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Thumb Culture

Unknown Author
Thumb Culture

SO: TD is a short but sweet game that delivers an interesting horror experience. It does suffer from being too short and the abstract narrative left mostly unexplained. In its two-hour playtime, there are stunning visuals and solid audio to go with it. And for a linear game, it delivers a compelling plot to ponder and revisit afterwards. But I do wish there were more answers than being left with mostly questions. I enjoyed my time playing SO: TD and am curious to see what Juan-Mod brings us next.

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Shines Over: The Damned is a unique gaming experience that combines elements of adventure and horror to create an immersive and emotional atmosphere. With its stunning visual design, captivating soundtrack and minimalistic narrative, the game offers a unique and different experience to what we are used to.

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