ReCore Reviews
ReCore is a style of game we haven't seen in a while. Part Mega Man Legends, part Metroid Prime, ReCore puts exploration and platforming at the forefront. With your trusty corebot pals, you'll double jump and dash through an open world and some damned fiendish dungeons. While ReCore trips up a bit with some odd combat and gating mechanics, it's still worth your time if you remember how platforming was in the old days.
ReCore is great to kick off the season, despite it's feeling of being unfinished and a bit rushed towards the end.
Overall ReCore is a compelling experience, not for its story or environments, but for its characters and art design.
ReCore entpuppt sich leider als doch sehr durchschnittlicher Platformer und verschenkt in vielen Bereichen einiges an Potenzial. Vor allem das langweilige Gameplay und die langen Ladezeiten machen es wirklich schwer, die doch sehr gelungene Story zu genießen. Da ReCore nicht als Vollpreis-Titel gestartet ist, kann man in einigen Punkten noch ein Auge zudrücken, aber solang die Ladezeiten-Problematik nicht gelöst wird, wird man auch als genügsamer Gamer wenig Freude mit dem Spiel haben.
Review in German | Read full review
ReCore successfully packs third person shooter, platformer, adventure and puzzler all into one.
ReCore had a lot of promise, but the developers were unable to meet the expectations of the players. It's certainly not a bad game, it just deserved to spend a few more months in development in order to eliminate some of the major shortcomings.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Even for the low price of $40, I can't recommend ReCore. This game feels like a first draft. A lot of the gameplay mechanics are there, but the world and story fails to satisfy. You're best off waiting for the price to become insanely low, picking it up, and hoping for an IP saving sequel.