Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition Reviews
Darksiders 2, which was underrated when it came out, shows that it is still a good game even in the new generation with the Deathinitive Edition.
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Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition is a good offering for any fan longing to return to the Darksiders world. It's also a great introduction to the long-running series for newcomers. The visuals and frame rate were updated so well that it makes the excitement of having a new Darksiders game in the future that much more thrilling. However, the biggest issue with this otherwise gorgeous remaster is that the camera and controls are incredibly outdated. Worse, they're completely unresponsive in parts. A couple of bugs also crashed the game, and can force the player to restart from their last save point. That being said, anyone who wants to dive into this world and can endure these frustrating setbacks should still give this remaster a shot. Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition is a fun opportunity to get into this beautiful post-apocalyptic world.
While the first game tackled the journey of the Horseman War, this time around you'll be taking control of his "brother" Death...
Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition works as a hybrid of multiple games, but if you've played the original Darksiders 2, playing this game won't be all that different.
Die Deathinitive Edition Darksiders 2 ist die bisher beste Fassung des Action-RPG’s und überzeugt nicht nur mit grafischen Neuerungen. Durch das verbesserte Balancing und die Verteilung des Loots werden auch Veteranen ihren Spaß mit der neuen Version haben. Der Titel hat natürlich auch immer noch seine Schwächen, durch die schlecht umgesetzten Kletterpassagen und teilweise fehlerhaften Charakter Animationen, aber ansonsten gibt es von uns eine klare Empfehlung für Action-RPG Fans die eine neue Herausforderung suchen.
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