Party Hard Reviews

Party Hard is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10
Dec 9, 2018

Party Hard is an arcade game with a great gameplay loop, a lot of challenging levels, and some really fun mechanics to work with. The levels are intensely difficult throughout because you’re always aiming for a clean sweep to succeed. The joy that comes from success is the sign of a level well-played, one where you either planned everything perfectly or were just quick on your feet. It’s that feeling that defines Party Hard, the feeling of succeeding and wanting to try again and do even better. This is sure to hook you if you are in the mood for something a little different, and a little reticent of the days that we all used to spend chasing high scores.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2018

Given the theme and morbid action of the game it’s absolutely not something for everyone. With its pixel art looks it never gets terribly graphic but playing a game in the role of a mass murderer won’t be for everyone. The fact that every time you hit a party you can’t count on any specific element being in the same place or present at all is a terrific touch that guarantees there’s no consistent path to success, you’ll just need to improvise sometimes. I’ll give Party Hard credit, it’s a unique and challenging spin on a puzzle game that delivers some fun if you’re on board with its style… and have a fair amount of patience.

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May 16, 2016

It's for fans of gore humor and the great personalities of the slasher genre, getting caught up in history and laughing is the main objective of Pinokl Games. It will not be a game that goes down in history but it is very likely to enter the lists of the 100 gore games to try before you stop playing video games.

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