Party Hard Reviews

Party Hard is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
10 / 10.0
May 23, 2016

Party Hard's narrative follows the killer across the country. The story is deliberately silly and unbelievable, the voice actors are hilarious, and there's plenty of self-deprecating humor going around to lighten the mood. It's a major part of what makes the game unique.

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9 / 10
Dec 9, 2018

Party Hard is an arcade game with a great gameplay loop, a lot of challenging levels, and some really fun mechanics to work with. The levels are intensely difficult throughout because you’re always aiming for a clean sweep to succeed. The joy that comes from success is the sign of a level well-played, one where you either planned everything perfectly or were just quick on your feet. It’s that feeling that defines Party Hard, the feeling of succeeding and wanting to try again and do even better. This is sure to hook you if you are in the mood for something a little different, and a little reticent of the days that we all used to spend chasing high scores.

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85 / 100
Sep 9, 2015

While it may not have the most captivating of storylines, the game itself is fun and addictive. It's a great way to kill some time – no pun intended – and may leave you muttering things under your breath that make others question your sanity. Plus, you can count on new content being added in the future, which will increase the game's replayability and won't cost you a cent.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 1, 2015

Party Hard is a game that's definitely greater than the sum of its parts.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 3, 2016

Unless you're reading this from prison, you've most likely never partied as hard as this. In fact, you've probably never seen partygoers party this hard either, as it doesn't matter how many people die or how many times the cops show up; they won't stop dancing, the DJ will still lay down the mad beats, and the servers will continue to serve drinks, even if they are the last ones alive.

8 / 10
Sep 23, 2015

This 8-bit stylized game is a blast to play. Every level holds its own challenges and combined with the procedurally generated pieces, no party will play out the exact same way. The game may not necessarily be deep, but it holds a unique charm in its straightforward and fun gameplay.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 15, 2016

Party Hard's Workshop update adds two key features: The ability to create your own levels, and the ability to play custom-made community levels. Player-made community content in any game is tough to review. There's a great deal of talent in the community, and Tiny Build has provided players with all the tools necessary to create excellent scenarios, but the quality of each level can vary greatly.

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8 / 10
Sep 19, 2015

Party Hard is a surprising game. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did, but it's a thoughtful affair that relies on careful thought and planning to keep up the most gruesome cross-country trip ever. Sometimes it doesn't play fair, but it's still fun.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 25, 2015

Party Hard blends a novel concept with a great mix of gameplay mechanics. Throw in the random behavior of NPCs and the tongue-in-cheek style, and shutting down parties feels quite good. Gameplay might become repetitive in some situations, but overall, you'll have a nice time with it.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2015

Has a high replay factor and a high fun factor, but it's short length is a little disappointing. It's a fun ride while it lasts and the promise of frequent free future content is a definite bonus.

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7.8 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2015

For better and for worse, Party Hard is one of the most faithful tributes to the slasher genre. It overstays its welcome, but it's still a bloody fun time for the most part.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 2, 2016

One thing's for sure: There isn't anything quite like Party Hard. A delirious, if flawed, marriage of Hitman, Hotline Miami, and Home Alone, Party Hard's idiosyncrasies will no doubt turn off those without the patience to persevere; but for those willing to put the time in, Party Hard is murderously good fun at its most unhinged.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 3, 2015

Party Hard may suffer from repetition at times, but the more I play it, the more it grows on me.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2018

Speaking more positively, I was pleased to see 26 achievements, co-op play, six unlockable characters and seven unlockable DLC stages, so the game has a pretty good amount of content and replay value. For those looking for a challenging and different take on both stealth and strategy games, Party Hard is absolutely worth a look. For those without patience or those wanting more of an action title, you might want to decline this party invite.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2018

Given the theme and morbid action of the game it’s absolutely not something for everyone. With its pixel art looks it never gets terribly graphic but playing a game in the role of a mass murderer won’t be for everyone. The fact that every time you hit a party you can’t count on any specific element being in the same place or present at all is a terrific touch that guarantees there’s no consistent path to success, you’ll just need to improvise sometimes. I’ll give Party Hard credit, it’s a unique and challenging spin on a puzzle game that delivers some fun if you’re on board with its style… and have a fair amount of patience.

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7 / 10
May 23, 2016

Your entertainment will come from planning deadly attacks in outlandish scenarios and environments. There's enjoyment to be had with Party Hard's dozen or so levels, despite the game's lack of imagination in its later stages.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 20, 2017

Interesting and fun, this is a great way to enjoy the management of parties. Technically is very simple, but it really works.

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70 / 100
Sep 1, 2015

[F]or all of its shortcomings, it makes up for it in its great Twitch integration, gamepad support, personality, and with those bears that know how to use a phone and snitch on me.

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7 / 10
Feb 16, 2019

Party Hard will let the player turn into a cold-blooded killer but that does not mean there is no fun to be had - quite the contrary, as the game's unique gameplay mechanics, along with its very wide amount of content and lengthy lifespan, bring a fun and criminally delightful experience to the Nintendo Switch, with only its steep difficulty curve and AI issues being to blame for some frustrating moments.

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Geeks Under Grace
Sydney Stoddard
7 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2017

Party Hard is a fun, addictive, and cleverly outlandish game that perfectly balances mindless murder and strategic assassination. If you won't mind the violence and the skip-worthy story, it's more than worth a play-through (or twelve).

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