G4@Syfygames's Reviews
This is the best Guilty Gear title in the series, hands down. If you're new to the franchise, this is the perfect game to start from. If you're a longtime fan, this should be a no-brainer.
If I made a list of everything that frustrated me in the Japanese role-playing genre, I'd bet Stranger of Sword City would be guilty of almost all of it.
This might not be the best Ratchet & Clank title ever, but it still lives up to the series' reputation for tight platforming, enjoyable action, and peerless presentation.
It may not be your cup of tea, but it still manages to be greater than the sum of its parts. Sometimes.
Quantum Break is a dramatic and thrilling adventure from start to finish, and an impressive undertaking that succeeds across the board.
Yes, indeed. From Software has crafted another fantastic title, one that calls back to the great parts of the series' history while still having an identity of its own. If this is how Dark Souls ends, then it will go out burning brightly.
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut is a good action game, but it looks and feels a bit primitive next to Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. It's still worth playing if you're a fan of action titles, and that especially applies if you're a fan of Shantae who missed out on the first release of Pirate's Curse.
Give No Shelter starts out fast and doesn't quit, leaving me at a loss for words as the credits rolled. Episode Three will be interesting for sure.
Hyper Light Drifter is a great game, but it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. It's polished to a mirror shine, it's tuned to mechanical harmony, it's gorgeous for the eyes and ears alike, but has a plot that doesn't even try (or even seemingly care) to make sense. It can also be really, really tedious to play through, as it leans heavily on classical, trial-and-error mechanics. It's a rare and beautiful gem that only certain people will find the full, true value in.
Nights of Azure is for Gust fans, plain and simple. It's not a bad title by any means, but there are issues that can mar the overall experience. If you're on the fence, wait for a price drop.
Ashes of the Singularity captures the massive scale of war with its impressive mix of gameplay systems, not to mention the tremendous replay value. The downside is that, despite graduating from Early Access, it's obvious that there is much more tweaking and updating to go.
Despite its sometimes overly-challenging gameplay, Mutant Mudds Super Challenge offers the best levels and content the series has seen yet. If you own a 3DS and love platformers, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
Black Desert Online struggles with many of the weak points unique to MMORPGs, but rewards resilient players with unique, fascinating role-playing systems. If you're looking for a new MMO, Black Desert Online is well worth a try.
Project X Zone 2 features a large cast of likeable characters and some great visuals and animation, but is hindered slightly by its repetitive gameplay and weak story.
While a couple of its old issues remain, Twilight Princess is an exciting and charming adventure through a darker Hyrule than usual.
SUPERHOT provides a tremendously innovative deconstruction of the FPS genre. It's easy to be seduced by the simplistic gameplay only to find your hours sucked away by continued play.
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth is an all around polished JRPG, but it's truly the intricate digivolution system that makes this game the best Digimon title to be released in the West.
Tron RUN/r had the potential to be a great game. Unfortunately, the game that it turned out to be only feels like the start of something that could have been special.
There's a lot of promise here, but Pokken Tournament can't decide what kind of fighting game it wants to be and that hurts the overall experience.
This could be a satisfactory game for the well-initiated, but tends to get stale after a while. Samurai Warriors 4: Empires seems so promising until you realize there's not that much under the surface.