Critic Reviews for Ceres
But it's so difficult to access that depth behind the poor tutorials, terrible interface and lack of feedback. You've got to work for hours upon hours to reach anything approaching competence, and it's tough to recommend that investment to any but the most hardcore of space strategy tactical RPG simulation enthusiasts.
In conclusion, Ceres has its flaws, but they do not make the game bad in any way. If you can look past the bugs and the confusing UI, and look at the potential the game has, you will thoroughly enjoy yourself. Ceres is a game I will always remember because of how comfortable I was playing it towards the end of my time with it. Once all the systems click together it's like a well-oiled machine. You can see the love and support spread all throughout the game, and I cannot wait for another game by these wonderful developers. May Ceres continue to spread across all stars and galaxies with her lovely AI voice.
Ceres seems to be a promising space adventure game with a bit of simulation game feel to it with all the micromanagement of your ship and your fleet but it still seems to be far from being great enough to actually catch the mainstream audience's attention.