

Top Critic Average

7.5 / 10
Niche Gamer
7.5 / 10
7.5 / 10
Creators: Stygian Software
Release Date: Dec 18, 2015 - PC
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Critic Reviews for UnderRail

If what you miss most about games like Fallout is the act of rolling your character, exploring a space from that particular camera angle, allocating your AP in combat, or tweaking a build after several runs' worth of trial and error, you'll be in good hands with UnderRail. Otherwise, it may be more productive to simply play the older games again.

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Overall, I might have complained about UnderRail a bit but I really enjoyed it and I think it's one of the better Fallout-like games out there, maybe the best since Arcanum. It's not as good as Fallout or the aforementioned Arcanum but then again, not many things are. As someone who cares about story, characters and choices in RPG more than combat, I can't help but be a bit disappointed – but I can appreciate good combat and I recognize UnderRail as a game which excels at this. For me, it's better to approach this not as the next Fallout but as a very good Fallout-inspired dungeon crawler. If you play UnderRail with this mindset, you will be satisfied.

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UnderRail shows that classic ideas and mechanics can deliver impressive gameplay results even in an age when even the RPG space tends to lose its identity under the assault of improved graphics and the need to make combat the best way to solve every situation.

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