Ares Omega

God is a Geek
5 / 10
4 / 10
5.5 / 10
4 / 10
Creators: Selenion Games
Release Date: Mar 11, 2016 - PC
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Critic Reviews for Ares Omega

Ares Omega provides a challenge, but it lacks anything outside of its vanilla campaign and repetitive combat.

There really isn’t much else to say about Ares Omega. No additional content is hidden away, as this is a small title with one mode. While I like the roguelike progression, the rest of the game feels like an prototype, lacking any sort of redeeming presentation, polish or any score tracking to keep you coming back. Mix these issues in with the soulless procedural generated levels and there isn’t anything in Ares Omega that has any redeemable qualities to recommend to anyone but only those that have exhausted all the better games that have come before it.

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What should have been a glorious marriage of Binary Domain and Smash TV in Ares Omega ends up as something far lesser on account of its many flaws. While a serviceable roguelike shooter ticks away at its heart, there simply isn’t enough here to recommend Ares Omega to anybody with a hankering for a well-crafted, progression focused blaster.

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4 / 10

Ares Omega fills the niche appeal of overhead twin-stick shooters, but only in a very passing fashion. Despite the RPG elements of skills and various stats of weapons, these types of games ultimately rise or fall on their controls - of which these disappoint. The control and gun system is overly-complex, unresponsive, and the accuracy is unpredictable. The lack of being able to cleanly get to the business of killing robots only serves to remind the player of the rest of the flaws they overlooked by giving the game a chance.

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