METAL SLUG 3 - Nintendo Switch Edition Reviews

METAL SLUG 3 - Nintendo Switch Edition is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Mar 21, 2017

Metal Slug 3 is a blast, all told, and for those that want to experience a retro run and gun classic - that was once expensive and out of reach for many - this is a nice option. It's a hoot, with the anarchic action and quirky animations contributing to a fundamentally bonkers experience. HAMSTER, to its credit, has also loaded in some nifty customisation options so that you can dabble and experiment. It's a short experience unless you seek out various alternate routes, of course, and as outlined above we think it flirts on the line of 'authentic slowdown' and 'annoying performance issues'. In many cases we suspect the former and had a lot of fun regardless, but the latter crept into play occasionally.At the end of the day, though, for fans of the genre this is tough to ignore. Whether playing on your own or with a buddy, it's sure to raise a smile and even a few laughs as you obliterate everything on screen.

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8 / 10
Apr 22, 2017

ACA Neo Geo Metal Slug 3 brings the third, and probably the most memorable, game of the Metal Slug series to the Nintendo Switch and what a competent and attractive conversion it is. Keeping its visually rich animations and settings, this version of Metal Slug 3 brings with it all sorts of surreal and surprising situations that will be cherished by those players already familiar with the series and will cause all sorts of positive surprises with those players who are gaining contact with the series for the first time.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2017

All in all, Metal Slug 3 is a great game to have on your Switch. It doesn't feature the best emulation, and the controller options could be clearer, but deep down it is a very solid game full of delicious, sweet eye candy. The ability to play on the go and on your TV seamlessly is definitely a plus, and the overall quirkiness of running and gunning your way through the game will be something you will never forget.

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Adam Riley
Top Critic
8 / 10
Mar 26, 2017

Without a doubt this is one of the most enjoyable arcade experiences on Nintendo Switch right now. Sure, it may be a classic and shunned by some purely on that basis, but the core gameplay of ACA NeoGeo: Metal Slug 3 has held strong over time, and proves to be just as addictive and challenging as it ever, it still looks mighty fine indeed. With the added benefit of other versions of the game included right from the off, a selection of control options, special extra challenge modes, and online leaderboards, the only thing that could top this is an anthology collection, similar to the one found on Wii years ago.

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7.4 / 10.0
Mar 25, 2015

Metal Slug 3 is a run 'n' gun fan's dream.

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