20XX Reviews
As a non-fan of Mega Man the roguelike nature of 20XX at least appeals to me more than that series as a whole. The quick pick up and play nature of it, and never quite knowing what to expect, is fun and I appreciate the inclusion of the two base characters who play out very differently. If you happen to be both a roguelike fan and someone who appreciates the Mega Man X series I’d say it is a pretty easy title to suggest, if you’re only into one of the two your mileage will likely vary. Even with quite a bit of competition in this genre on the Switch 20XX is a pretty unique package, making it noteworthy if you’re a fan of challenging platforming and boss fights.
20XX is a Mega Man clone that understands what it takes to challenge fans of the genre and allows you to include a friend in the mix. It's challenging, precise and an enormous amount of fun if you give it the time it deserves.
I can easily say that 20XX feels like a great mixture of Mega Man X series and rogue-like elements and it provides a great experience for the ones who would like to enjoy and ever-changing gameplay.
20XX is a difficult and fun rouge action game that will challenge platforming veterans and delight traditional Mega Man fans
20XX is an adequate Mega Man clone that will almost make fans of the blue bomber forget that he has been MIA.
Ultimately a great soundtrack and immaculate controls aren’t enough to stop 20XX feeling like an overtly repetitive cycle of missed opportunities.