Kitty Powers' Love Life
Critic Reviews for Kitty Powers' Love Life
Kitty Powers is back, and she's giving you a lot to grab onto. Love Life isn't paced quite as well as Matchmaker, but organising the entire relationship of a town full of couples is a great challenge. Kitty always leaves you wanting more.
There are few games with as much personality as Kitty Powers' Love Life, and that alone makes it a truly interesting game to play for an hour or two. The problem is that it does not take too long until the game starts to feel repetitive and like work, and if there is one thing games should avoid it is for them to feel like actual work, even when simulating a profession. In the end, Kitty Powers' Love Life has a lot of personality, but needs to work out some quirks for this relationship to work out.
Surprisingly deep and often enjoyable. Kitty Powers Matchmaker fans will love the improvements.
This casual Sim-like game is less of a Drag than you might think. It's got a tongue-in-cheek humour, that fits the game style well. It can be sickeningly sweet too, but unfortunately this taste gets repetitive on extended play sessions. Pick this title up on Android or iOS for the best way to play - in short bursts.