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The Escapists 2 - Big Top Breakout

Mouldy Toof Studios, Team17
Feb 21, 2018 - PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5
5 / 10
9 / 10
Sirus Gaming
8 / 10
4 / 5
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Critic Reviews for The Escapists 2 - Big Top Breakout


5 / 10

This DLC does not change anything fundamental to in the base of The Escapists 2, so the good and the bad still exist; Big Top Breakout is merely a new map, nothing more or less. It is an interesting romp through some new terrain, but those looking for any new mechanisms to the main action may want to pass.

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Big Top Breakout is everything I could have wanted from an Escapists DLC, and for a measly £2.49 is an absolutely essential purchase for anyone who already owns the game. Big Top Breakout is Big Time Fun!

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The game is little on what I expected, but with the overall game experience, this is worth a shot, I spend 2 hours just to finish one game, and I would like to head back to prison just to change the way on how I escape. Big Top breakout may not be the best DLC for this game, but this will still be fun, especially for the fan of the series.

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The Big Top Breakout is cheap, cheerful and worth trying your hand at escaping from at least once, but maybe even twice or more to see the other possible ways out. The whole setting is a lot of fun, the clown inspired customisation items are welcome and the jobs are well suited.

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