Kirby Star Allies Reviews

Kirby Star Allies is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Apr 15, 2018

"Kirby's Switch debut trusts in old tricks and co-op."

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6 / 10
Mar 31, 2018

Overall, Kirby Star Allies sticks too close to the safe boundaries with its conservative design choices. This is all but a blip in the series' long history, and I am hopeful that HAL Laboratory will be able to bring back to its former glory.

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Wait for Sale
Mar 27, 2018

Kirby Star Allies is cute, comfortable to play, and easy to get someone else involved in, but it's also totally forgettable. I thought perhaps it was just that I hadn't played a Kirby game for years or maybe it was better suited to younger audiences, so I got my son to join in for a second opinion. However, to be completely frank, it was only ever as fun as we made it, and this was especially disappointing for him as he's always placed Kirby on a pedestal. There are certainly some components of the game I can appreciate, but, overall, the experience feels hollow.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2018

A bit of a step down from what came before, but still a solid and fun entry in the series, especially when playing with friends.

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Apr 13, 2018

Kirby Star Allies fails to move the series to the next level. Instead, it adds a silly gimmick and does nothing special to stand out against other platformers.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 28, 2018

Kirby Star Allies will no doubt be one of the most pleasing and enjoyable games you’ll play this year.

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3 / 5
Mar 25, 2018

Kirby will not be one of the most challenging games that you will play this year. However, it is fun and definitely can pass the time with a friend or two. If you’re a fan of Kirby, this game will give you more of the same Kirby that we know and love, don’t expect it to hold your attention for long though.

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Mar 26, 2018

Overall, Kirby Star Allies is a pretty neat game which add some fantastic new features to the Kirby series; it definitely is a laugh to play through the game with a few friends.

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7 / 10
Mar 14, 2018

Entertaining but lacking the challenge that many will crave, it’s hard not to come away from playing Kirby Star Allies with a mixed opinion. With impeccably polished visuals but uncomplex stages to overcome, this short-lived adventure in Dream Land has much room for improvement which we can only hope the pink puffball’s next outing will deliver on.

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88 / 100
Mar 23, 2018

It won't please those seeking an intense adventure but Kirby Star Allies is a fun game that will make many gamers smile.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 22, 2018

Kirby Star Allies aims for the stars, but falls short. It's a good game that lacks creativity and is incredibly brief. Despite these factors, however, it's still a good game and a good buy for fans of the pink puffball.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 18, 2018

Kirby Star Allies is not Nintendo or HAL Laboratory at their best, but it is still a fantastic platformer that gets way more right than it gets wrong.

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8 / 10
Mar 14, 2018

With the power of love and friendship, Kirby Star Allies will surely melt the coldest of hearts.

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Top Critic
Mar 14, 2018

Kirby Star Allies' friend-making gimmick adds layers of playful fun to this solid Kirby adventure. It's a perfectly pleasant way to pass a weekend by yourself, or with friends of your own—though the game is best enjoyed via the Switch's handheld mode. You might not be impressed by Star Allies if you're just not into Kirby at all, but everyone else should say "Hiiiiiii~!"

8 / 10.0
Mar 13, 2018

Kirby Star Allies acts like a love letter to Kirby and Couch Co-Op Fans but keeps it really short and simple at the same time. Besides the 3-5 hours on story there isn't really much motivation to keep on playing besides some generic mini-games. If you're looking for some hours of colorful kirby multiplayer action you can still get this without hesitation.

Review in German | Read full review