Sniper Rust VR Reviews
Jul 23, 2018
Sniper Rust VR is a collection of things that make for an unentertaining experience, but a poor shooting experience is the final straw.
Jun 27, 2018
Sniper Rust VR's formula may work on the mobile free-to-play market, but as a VR title, it doesn't take advantage of the medium in a way that justifies its existence.
Jun 19, 2018
While it is provably true that VR can be a good fit for shooting games, it is not true that a game can simply be built for a VR platform without putting a lot of thought into the vast differences between a flat, finger-based model and the VR model. Sniper Rust VR does not demonstrate that any such thought went into at all. Do yourself a favor - try the free demo before paying for this one.