Atelier Meruru ~The Apprentice of Arland~ DX Reviews

Atelier Meruru ~The Apprentice of Arland~ DX is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
May 15, 2019

Atelier Meruru DX features the best and most enjoyable gameplay and plot of the Atelier trilogy, thanks to its greater emphasis on the alchemy and to a more solid plot. The game's wide variety of interesting, creative characters is also one of the major selling points which contributes to make this the best game of the Atelier trilogy.

Review in Portuguese |

8.5 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2024

In summary, Atelier Meruru ~The Apprentice of Arland~, is an honorable conclusion to a passionate trilogy that arose from the idea of ​​renewal. It presents some successes, but also persists in past mistakes; however, in the end, I just felt completely enveloped by all its charm and now I feel like I need an everyday atmosphere more than an odyssey.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

9.5 / 10.0
Jan 7, 2019

Atelier Meruru ~The Apprentice of Arland~ DX was the most addictive and enjoyable game I played in the Arland trilogy. We have the same core mechanics we saw in Atelier Rorona yet there are a few small enhancements here and there which makes the game much more accessible and easier to pick up and play. I thoroughly enjoyed the kingdom building aspect, even though it was rather simple, as I enjoy games where I can see my progression and hard work in physical format. The timer is much more relaxed in this third title when looking in comparison to the others, this is a major plus in my opinion as I don’t like restrictive timers. in my opinion as I don’t like restrictive timers. For a third time, the magic of Arland drew me in and captivated me into its addictive and entertaining story.

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Jun 5, 2019

The Arland series thus far – especially Meruru – has taught me that going out of my comfort zone with RPGs can be quite a rewarding endeavor.

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