Apex Legends Reviews
It’s possible that Apex Legends could finally put the nail in the coffin of Fortnite’s reign over the genre. With updates and new content impending, Apex Legends is sure to keep players entertained for a long time to come.
Apex Legends provided more than what PUBG and Fortnite, even Blackout, had to offer. Despite having 60 players in the map, a forced squad-based battle royale with an impressive ping system, an awesome cast of Legends with peculiarly amusing dialogue, outstanding overall game performance and smooth gameplay, Apex Legends is the best battle royale game out there.
The battle royale genre has become a crowded field, with many developers and publishers attempting to cut their own piece of the pie since PUBG and Fortnite skyrocketed the genre. Now, Respawn Entertainment decided to throw their hat into the arena with their own game that was leaked and released in under a week, Apex Legends. As a free-to-play game, Respawn Entertainment has successfully created an incredible game using the formula.
Even the most jaded of battle royale fans will find their interest rejuvenated by Apex Legends thanks to Respawn's attention to detail, superior gunplay, and fantastic innovations, even if the loot boxes and progression system need addressing.
Apex Legends delivers the best team based battle royale available, it runs well across platforms and it's fun to play.