Astroneer Reviews

Astroneer is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.3 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2019

If I had to summarize Astroneer in one word, it would be delightful.

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Jan 14, 2022

Once you get past the lack of a tutorial and find your feet to progress in the game, Astroneer turns into a wonderfully crafted open-world survival game. It is one of those games that gives you as much as you put into it and lets you work at your own pace towards your goals or the games. It is a calming and genuinely enjoyable experience to play if you stick with it.

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6.1 / 10.0
Apr 9, 2019

Astroneer give you seven wide-open planets to explore with friends or on your own. But really this is one endeavour that’s far better with friends than it is on its own.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2019

All of that said, I love this game because of its art style, music, my interest and fascination with the alien structures, and the thrill of discovery, but I am giving Astroneer a 6 out of 10. The game has a long way to go in terms of resolving its technical issues before I can confidently rate it higher – and I really want to rate it higher! I quite like Astroneer and considering this is System Era Softworks first title, they have a solid foundation from which to build upon.

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Feb 5, 2019

ASTRONEER is as long or as short as you want it to be. It’s the kind of game that de-stresses you at the end of the day, and something you can play with friends for zero friction. You’re always making progress, and the game saves often, in addition to entering vehicles and bases to save as well. System Era Softworks have made an incredible crafting and exploration game in ASTRONEER. In learning the systems means you become more proficient at trying out the new planets and the challenges they offer. As such, you’re never marooned in one place too long, and you never want to be – there’s so much to see and do.

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Feb 6, 2019

Astroneer is definitely on the soft side of the survival spectrum. It looks inviting and fun, whether your lone explorer is bounding across the colorful landscape or mining deep within underground caves. Collecting resources and crafting them into new tools is the main focus, and Astroneer falters in not having more interesting things to find within each planet. In the end though, it's a lovely little game if you want to survive without all the pesky hunger and thirst you find in other games.