Modern Combat Blackout

WeakModern Combat Blackout header image
Nintendo Life
5 / 10
Nintendo Enthusiast
3 / 10
6.2 / 10
Digitally Downloaded
1.5 / 5
Creators: Gameloft
Release Date: Feb 14, 2019 - Nintendo Switch
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Critic Reviews for Modern Combat Blackout

Modern Combat Blackout is a decent step forward for the series on mobile, but in the presence of DOOM, Wolfenstein II, Paladins and even Payday 2, it simply doesn't stack up. There's plenty to appreciate here – the integration of single-player missions, Spec Ops challenges and multiplayer matches into one hub is a really great feature, but the mediocre gameplay and mobile-centric quality levels really water those positives down. Modern Combat could be a great series on Switch, but only if it's built for the system from the ground up, and not clumsily ported from mobile.

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This just has the distinction of being the only military shooter on the platform. If that’s what you’re looking for, this will keep you entertained in short bursts before you peter out. Otherwise, spend time on something like Doom or Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus instead.

We would have expected something more from this porting, unfortunately Modern Combat 5 still looks like a mobile game and it does not do justice to Nintendo Switch's hardware.

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Modern Combat: Blackout isn't a great game by any stretch of the imagination, but it's playable enough, and it's the only military shooter of its kind currently available on the Nintendo Switch.

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