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Devious Dungeon 2

Ratalaika Games
May 14, 2019 - PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5
75 / 100
2.5 / 5
5.5 / 10
6 / 10
Seafoam Gaming
5 / 10
3.8 / 5
Rapid Reviews UK
4 / 5
70 / 100
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Devious Dungeon 2 - Launch Trailer

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Critic Reviews for Devious Dungeon 2

Devious Dungeon 2 is an entertaining action platformer that adds onto the original's premise. Choosing a class made the game feel different enough while still retaining its charm. Buying equipment in order was still a drag, but it doesn't hurt the game too much.

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Woblyware’s Devious Dungeon 2 provides a similar experience by keeping the randomly-generated levels while nixing the permadeath element. While the game is mildly enjoyable in short bursts, it never really rises above that.

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It's not a bad game, but it's so generic that it can't be original at all, much less overcome the exponents of roguelike.

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While being very similar to its predecessor, Devious Dungeon 2 does do a few things to improve its overall gameplay. Mini-bosses, classes and quests do improve the game overall but I don’t think it’s enough to differentiate itself from the first title. The gameplay, while being fun does eventually start to wear thin. A lot of enemies were taken from the first game and I would have liked a lot more fresh and intricate enemy designs, especially on the bosses.

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The exploration aspects are still very fun and I enjoyed the additions they did add, but I really do feel a lot of work could have been done to make this stand out as a game worth playing, but even now, Devious Dungeon 2 just didn’t make me care enough to want to get past that first boss.

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Overall Devious Dungeon is a very well made Indie game and can be a lot of fun in short 30 minutes bursts. I would recommend this game if you enjoyed the original and are looking for more of the same.

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Devious Dungeon 2 is a simple game to understand and play, this a bad thing? NO! The simple approach is the best part, at least for me. It’s a nice change from having loads of buttons to press. The story is not the draw for players as well; it is very light on the story. I kept coming back time after time to beat that last level that I died on. For myself, this is a great change of pace.

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Devioud Dungeon 2 is a sequel that contributes very little to the first installment, being practically a copy of it. Its gameplay is based mainly on randomness and luck, and it gets you hooked on the game and leaves you wanting to continue for hours. It is true that it abuses too much of the phony levels and money, but that does not detract from the merit when it comes to fun.

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