Bitlogic - A Cyberpunk Arcade Adventure Reviews

Bitlogic - A Cyberpunk Arcade Adventure is ranked in the 15th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 10
Apr 11, 2020

Bitlogic - A Cyberpunk Arcade Adventure has one precise objective: to deliver a 2D adventure-platformer that pays tribute to the MSX, and it succeeds in this exact, if rather limited, purpose. It doesn't venture much further than that, however, and it quickly becomes apparent that other than MSX nostalgics and enthusiasts, very few players will be swooned by the game's simple concept and short longevity.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2019

Ultimately, if you’re in the market for a classic adventure platformer, you can certainly do worse than Bitlogic. Though I enjoyed my time with the game, I’m in no rush to dive back in any time soon, especially after playing through three times. There’s enough there that will keep you interested for a playthrough or two at the very most, especially since the game is rather short.

8 / 10.0
Aug 13, 2019

A shorter title, Bitlogic – A Cyberpunk Arcade Adventure will nonetheless likely appeal mainly to older gamers. It successfully mixes genres in a great setting with a good soundtrack. It effectively draws you in with unlimited ammunition, no time limit, and well-spaced checkpoints, to balance the atypical lack of jumping.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 21, 2019

Bitlogic: A Cyberpunk Arcade Adventure is a gimmick or novelty of a video game that is meant for twitch streams or to dupe friends into playing it as a joke. It is not the most enjoyable adventure game but is also not designed to be the great either since it is trying to make a point. It is designed to be played by almost anyone and not counting the directional pad, it only uses one button. By that token it is almost impressive that it manages to be engaging at all.

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Jul 29, 2019

Bitlogic's gameplay is simply clunky and it regularly relies on guesswork and tedious retreading so it's a tough game to enjoy.

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