Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, in the end, is a poor sequel. Not because it is necessarily a bad game, but as it only reiterates what the first game did, but nowhere near as impactful. Critics agree that it's greatest crime is that it is too big, both in its actual level design and its ambitions.
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

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Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Review Summary
Critic Reviews for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is a relentless, rhythmic, and brutal game of killing fast, and often dying even faster.
Hotline Miami 2 leaves me conflicted. There's lots to love here, but the structure makes it difficult to explore and exploit. It's still an absolute riot to play, and the urge to press on remains compulsive, despite the narrative hi-jinx. Its failings are never enough to truly spoil things - Hotline Miami 2 is definitely to be recommended. It's the sequel that everyone expected, perhaps. But I'm not sure it's the sequel the original truly deserved.
Restrictive design decisions sap the energy from a series that revels in it, and technical issues deal the killing blow.
'Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number' delivers the same frenzied gameplay and thoughtful approach to plotting, but the overall experience is undeniably bigger in scope.
Adding good new ideas to the formula, but unable to implement them without diluting the overall experience, Hotline Miami 2 isn't a disaster, but certainly lacks the original's fiery vitality.
Frustration gives way to fun and fulfillment as failure turns to success
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is a challenging and stylish game which entertains throughout, and delights in forcing you out of your comfort zone.
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