Röki Reviews

Röki is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jul 23, 2020

Like a work of Scandinavian wood carving, Röki is a finely-crafted, intricate adventure game that perfectly grasps the essence of puzzles, fairy tales, and family.

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Jul 22, 2020
Röki (Quick Review) [PC] video thumbnail
Sally Willington
Jul 23, 2020

Röki is just a well-engineered, well told and ultimately very enjoyable game that will keep you spellbound from beginning to end. It’s simply beautiful and a game that will hold a place in my heart for a long time to come. Truly, it is very special indeed.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 22, 2020

Röki was one of my most anticipated games of 2020 and it blew me away in every way possible. It might have the look of a living children’s book, but its darker themes proves that this is a fairy tale for grownups. I was already impressed with its premise and art design from the trailer, but I wasn’t expecting just how organic everything felt.

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