Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Reviews
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a work of digital art. It transcends any other LEGO title before it, and stands as a testament to what a great LEGO Star Wars game can and should be. From the way it overhauls and remakes the Prequel and Original Trilogies, through to how these additions translate to the brand-new Sequel Trilogy, is nothing short of amazing to see, enjoy and experience. It ultimately sets a very high bar for all LEGO games to come. Especially when the smaller additions, like changes to the traditional camera and level design, truly enhance the overall experience — for this alone, the game is worth picking up. The game’s exceptional quality and gameplay are a pinnacle of the LEGO franchise and platforms alike, and should be experienced by all – whether Star Wars fan, gamer, or both.
Whether you like Star Wars, LEGOs, or video games in general, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a must-play in 2022. There’s an insane amount of content, I can’t emphasize how massive this game is. The puzzles aren’t too difficult to solve, while also not being too easy; I never felt that I was wasting my time playing through a level. And even if you found yourself stuck in an area or just in need of general help with the game, there’s an orange and blue protocol droid named H1-NT that will provide you with helpful information on your journey. The Skywalker Saga also has an extensive skills tree that rivals any action RPG out there. The game mechanics work extremely well, especially when playing flying missions; it’s always a crapshoot when it comes to aerial combat, but operating an X-Wing or the Millennium Falcon in The Skywalker Saga feels amazing. From top to bottom, The Skywalker Saga is a near-perfect game that checks all the boxes for a Star Wars fan and is one of the best games of the year.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is definitely more of what you’d come to expect from a Lego game if you’ve had any experience playing them over the years. It’s undeniably a blast to be had even more by fans of the source material and younger players or people looking for a game to play that doesn’t demand a whole lot of your attention or particular dexterity in order to enjoy it, but if you’re looking for something brand spanking new, you might have better luck at another space port.
The Skywalker Saga is a triumphant return to form for TT Games. Covering all nine big screen Episodes in one game has presented players with a Star Wars sandbox like no other. With meaningful developments in the gameplay department and a level of immersion that surpasses not only all LEGO games that have come before but all Star Wars games also, this is a title to treasure for Star Wars fans and lovers of collectathons alike.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is the perfect Lego game, the perfect Star Wars game, and a fantastic sendoff to an illustrious series as a whole.
Almost everyone knows about Star Wars and LEGO toys and about as much people are in love with them so putting these two brands together seventeen years ago was one of the best strokes of genius in the history of video games. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is the biggest and the most ambitious LEGO game so far and the final product is without a doubt one of the best , if not the best, LEGO games too.
Review in Persian | Read full review
I have been having a ball with this game; the new combat has made things much more fluid and exciting, the in-game puzzles are still easy yet thought-inducing, and the excellent new upgrade system and unlocks got me itching to dive back into the game to unlock more and more. The Skywalker Saga was first announced in 2019 and has had a delay or two to get to this point, including an unfortunate crunch cycle that the devs have had to deal with. But those delays have paid off. The developers at TT Games have crafted a top-tier LEGO title full of polish and one that has gotten its hooks in me all over again.
TT Games has outdone itself by reinventing the LEGO formula to create the most complete Star Wars game in history. The mechanics have been reworked to suit both young and old players, while keeping that great LEGO humor throughout. As Ben Kenobi would say: "This is the Star Wars game people are looking for!"
Review in Dutch | Read full review
The Skywalker Saga successfully manages to recreate the fun and humour of its 2005 counterpart! It gives us a new take on the Star Wars series, with many great moments filled with hilarious jokes and gags! The revamped combat feels fantastic, and really helps to keep things fresh and exciting. There are a few jokes that may make you roll your eyes, but despite this, it's hard not to get hooked in The Skywalker Saga's world for hours on end!