How often have we seen an update or a patch completely break an unrelated feature in a game? It's pretty common actually, and almost expected. A major update or DLC may result in inventory issues, balancing problems, or just some good old open-world jank. However, the latest update for The Sims 4 has resulted in a rather disturbing bug.
It's death Sim, but not as we know it.
Along with the rest of the content in the update, the burglar was reintroduced into the series after 16 years. We all remember how anxious the burglar's music used to make us, but maybe it will be better this time, considering that everyone's finding her hot. However, this hot burglar came with a horrific new bug, pregnant children.
After the update went live, a number of players were freaking out about young Sims walking around with baby bellies (thanks Eurogamer). It's unclear how the update has managed to introduce this particularly squeamish bug, but, thankfully, it seems to be only a visual issue, as the in-game children's status does not show that they are pregnant.
Weirdly, this isn't even the first time this has happened. "This is not the first...