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The Jimquisition

385 games reviewed
67.5 average score
75 median score
45.4% of games recommended

The Jimquisition's Reviews

10 / 10.0 - Bloodborne
Mar 22, 2015

Bloodborne is something truly special – a barbaric horror RPG that will giveth and taketh away in perfect measure, wrapped up in a perverse world that will refuse to let you go.

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10 / 10.0 - Undertale
Sep 19, 2015

Despite having beaten it, it's exciting to know that there's so much more than simply what I've seen. The complexities woven deeply into this initially unassuming RPG are enough to keep you invested long after y0u've watched the end credits for the first time. It's been a long, long time since this style of RPG has grabbed me as Undertale has, and even longer since a small independent effort has been so ambitious, impressive, and unquestionably successful.

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10 / 10.0 - INSIDE
Jun 30, 2016

It should go without saying that Inside is an easy choice for anybody who enjoyed Limbo. At its most basic, Playdead’s newest presentation is a continuation of its prior work – a macabre puzzle-platformer with a gloomy visual style and forsaking atmosphere. Beyond that, however, Inside is so much more…

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10 / 10.0 - Nioh
Feb 2, 2017

Nioh got attention for its similarities to other titles, but it deserves to be remembered as its own special game, one that sees and raises the efforts presented by its inspirations. With fast and uncompromising combat, an engrossing economy of loot, and a mesmerizing artistic style, action-RPGs have rarely been this refined or this captivating.

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10 / 10.0 - The Sexy Brutale
Apr 10, 2017

The Sexy Brutale deserves as much attention as any Horizon, Zelda, Nioh or Persona.

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10 / 10.0 - Baldur's Gate 3
Oct 4, 2023

Baldur’s Gate 3 is truly exemplary, one of the few videogames in history that wholly deserve the universal acclaim heaped so freely upon releases above a certain marketing budget. The choices offered to the player in terms of both crafting an adventurer and influencing the story do an incredible job of translating Dungeons & Dragons to a form of interactive software that surpasses the loftiest expectation. The script is incredible, the gameplay beneath it downright luxurious. There won't be another like this in a long, long time.

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10 / 10.0 - Indika
May 21, 2024

Indika is a treasure of a game, an adventure that truly defies expectations. Constantly surprising and laudably bold in its subject matter, this story of a questioning nun and the devil in her head is among the best things I’ve ever played. A little dash of jank does nothing to take away what this game is - a landmark of strange and fascinating storytelling.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Helldivers
Mar 2, 2015

With its sledgehammer humor and clever blend of stealth and action, Helldivers is a lot smarter than a passing glance might have you believe. It's a game in which life is cheap but the deaths aren't, where carelessness gets you turned into kibble, and sustained battle will leave you with an empty gun and a horde of pissed off monsters.

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9.5 / 10.0 - The Talos Principle
Dec 13, 2014

The Talos Principle may spend a bit too much time stroking its beard and showing off how deep it is, but the fact remains that it regularly deserves to posture. Not only is it a highly accomplished puzzle game, it's a genuinely fascinating collection of reflective notions.

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Nov 18, 2014

It's packed with diverse content, can be tailored to suit anybody's needs, and most important of all – it's a ridiculous amount of bloody fun!

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9.5 / 10.0 - Rocket League
Jul 23, 2015

If you love sports, cars, or neither, Rocket League is your cup of tea!

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9.5 / 10.0 - Fallout 4
Nov 9, 2015

Fallout 4 is something special. Something special indeed. No, scratch that. It's downright S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

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Feb 27, 2016

Fast becoming my favorite online shooter of choice, Garden Warfare 2 is lovable, preposterous, and completely rampageous. Never though I'd say this about an EA game, but it's everything a modern premium experience should be.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Enter the Gungeon
Apr 13, 2016

Enter the Gungeon is a fast paced dungeon shooter that punishes and rewards in equal measure. Easy to get into, and tough as nails when it wants to be, Dodge Roll's energetic and hilarious loot 'em up is sometimes frustrating, but more often a joy to experience.

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Sep 9, 2015

Castle Crashers Remastered is every bit was wonderful as it was the first time around. Bright, cheerful, packed with things to do, and rocking some classic brawler action, it looks as beautiful as ever and there's no excuse not to give it a look. It's just as fresh as it was back in the day, and a 100% discount for prior players is friggin' perfect.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Until Dawn
Aug 24, 2015

Until Dawn is everything that Quantic Dream games have tried to be – unsuccessfully – for the past decade. It emulates horror movies while demonstrating a clear understanding of what makes those movies work, its focus on consequence is nervewracking and intricate, and its story is silly but strongly delivered.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Rare Replay
Aug 3, 2015

Rare Replay is a fantastic compendium from start to finish. Even discounting the games you might never want to play, the price point is intensely difficult to refuse in exchange for the amount of fun it will provide. From Battletoads Arcade to Snake, Rattle & Roll, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise and Banjo-Tooie, there's so much there, both replayable silliness and extensive, hours-long adventures.

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King's Quest Chapter 1: A Knight To Remember is a fantastic start to what I hope will be an amazing series. Though it's not the King's Quest fans will remember, it's an enthusiastic and striking fresh take that's both witty and exciting. It's clear that a lot of love went into this, and the result is a game that easily belongs up there with the modern greats of adventure gaming – lack of pointing and clicking be damned!

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Oct 2, 2015

It's a game I may only ever play once, but I'm thoroughly glad I did. For those who hate "walking simulators" and the "pretentious" side of independent games, you should probably steer clear. The rest of you? There's more to this game than it's 90 minute runtime. The fact I'm still thinking about it, deeply, hours after I played it is all part of the value too.

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Tales from the Borderlands has been brilliant, easily Telltale's finest work since season one of The Walking Dead, and somewhat superior in several ways.

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