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638 games reviewed
76.7 average score
80 median score
57.3% of games recommended

GameZone's Reviews

Unscored - Tharsis
Jan 12, 2016

Difficult games are fun, and we're all capable of accepting a decent amount of challenge, but Tharsis seems to teeter on the edge of "I can figure this out eventually if I try hard enough" and "YOU STUPID DICE, WHY DO YOU KEEP ROLLING ONES AND TWOS!?" Luck plays a bit too heavily into the whole concept.

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Jan 11, 2016

Without factoring in that other versions of Minecraft recently received a big update, Minecraft: Wii U Edition doesn't feel like a definitive experience in its current form. The worst of it is the negligence in connection with the GamePad: what should have been the star incentive for investing in this version, doesn't serve as a strong enough draw. Especially considering that this version is $10 more than other console iterations, it can leave players (experienced or otherwise) feeling shortchanged. Yes, it wasn't without reason, but that reason isn't entirely satisfying to make peace with.

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Batman Arkham Knight: Season of Infamy plays out a little differently than expected, but at the end of the day, $10 for the DLC is worth it. Batgirl was $ 7 and it only lasted an hour and we were confined to a new area. At least, in Season of Infamy we are free to the huge open world of Gotham which at times could have you getting sidetracked. The villains, new locations and 2008 Bat suit are the main highlights of the DLC.

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Unscored - SteamWorld Heist
Dec 24, 2015

Despite the SteamWorld Heist's shortcomings when it comes to mission failure and inventory management, the game is a blast. As a lover of turn-based tactics games, SteamWorld Heist scratched that itch, offering just enough depth and strategy bundled up in a charming game. Difficulty scales rather nicely and you can always adjust it, which means the game is very accessible to everyone.

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Unscored - FAST Racing Neo
Dec 19, 2015

FAST Racing Neo is the love child of F-Zero and Ikaruga, that was in turn raised by Cruis'n USA. I can't think of an arcade racer in the last two decades that could touch this game. I controlled a sexy futuristic car as I raced at high speeds, avoided giant spider mechs and sandworms, and used boost to go supersonic and smash through a giant asteroid. Sounds awesome, I know, but that's only because it is.

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Dec 12, 2015

Looking back at Hollow Fragment, and then playing Lost Song is somewhat jarring. While the gameplay elements of Lost Song lend themselves well to an action game, and the flight mechanics are fun, I can't help but feel this game lacks the finesse of Hollow Fragment.

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Unscored - Just Cause 3
Dec 3, 2015

The VerdictJust Cause 3 is a great game. It's a fantastic game even. The few nitpicks I had with Fast Travel and Supply Drops are issues I was willing to overlook. But I can't in good conscience recommend this game to anyone at the moment, not while the performance issues are so bad.

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Unscored - Pokemon Picross
Dec 3, 2015

At its core, Pokémon Picross is a clever execution that injects the Picross formula with touches that make puzzle-solving more directed and ultimately more alluring. The Pokémon IP has not been used superficially, which in itself is commendable. But most surprising is that even with the suspect microtransactions, it's not as bad of a money trap as it could have been. What's more, the standard established at the outset is great for its transparency, which, when coupled with measures to ease the player in without feelings of obligation, make for a relatively comfortable entry point. At the same time, it's sad to see that the support systems are so restrained that it dulls a sense of reward, causing microtransactions to overpower the further you get into the experience. Ultimately, reflecting on the game's defined variables and fun, experimental mechanics will work to disarm the future battle against microtransactions, should you decide to continue with it.

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Nov 30, 2015

I don't usually recommend buying a console for a video game, and when I do, the core game has to be so stellar, so addicting, that the thought of not having the console to play it would drive you mad. I didn't say that for Rise of the Tomb Raider. I am, however, saying it for Xenoblade Chronicles X.

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Nov 23, 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters is worth your time and money if you enjoyed the base game. For the most part, it's more of the same done better. The environments and some of the bosses are a cut above, enemy placement and interaction really stuck out, and wreaking havoc with the new weapons is almost too much fun. The Old Hunters is as far above vanilla Bloodborne, as Crown of the Sunken King was above vanilla Dark Souls 2. While there are some rough patches, the rest of this DLC scenario shines bright enough to hide those blemishes.

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From the start, it would have been appropriate to show cautious optimism by reason of track record, and following my time with Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations, cautious optimism is still an appropriate course of action. Investigations doesn't possess fresh ideas, but there are moments that make the experience an enjoyable one. It's just too bad they aren't the majority. While I would advise against spending top dollar, there's an amusing but flawed experience to be had in Investigations that, if nothing else, will provide a few laughs.

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Nov 21, 2015

There's fun to be had with Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash if you're jonesing for a fix of Mario Tennis, but it's far from the best in the series, and it comes up short in terms of lasting appeal. While there's something to be said about doing one thing well, this game is as bare bones as it gets. If they had at least the same amount of content as the N64 title, this game could have been something great.

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Nov 21, 2015

For fans of the series, Legacy of the Void is a no brainer. For fans of strategy games, I say the again, StarCraft II is the best strategy game you can buy on PC. If you've been waiting for any reason at all to jump in, don't. The game is deep, the competition is fierce and anyone of any skill level can jump in and appreciate what the game is all about. There aren't a whole lot of games that can say that.

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Nov 18, 2015

Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival is cute, but it's more of a sleep aid than a video game. It may be a good purchase for small children that want to sit around with their parents and use the game as a somewhat interactive storybook, with minigames so easy even the old fogies can play with them. Other than that? Maybe some really die-hard Animal Crossing fans could enjoy this.

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Nov 17, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront is undoubtedly a fun game, and it's a great fan service. From the iconic characters to the recognizable set pieces, it definitely pays homage to the original trilogy. But its beauty is only skin deep.

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Nov 17, 2015

Rodea the Sky Soldier is not without its annoying flaws, and it's certainly no Mario Galaxy, but it serves as a fitting swan song for the dearly departed Wii. It's a game that embodies everything great about the Wii, taking a simple concept and running with it, bringing us a unique and fun game.

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Nov 14, 2015

If you've enjoyed Crystal Dynamics' reboot, then chances are you'll love Rise of the Tomb Raider that much more. Lara's latest adventure is bigger and better in nearly every way. The settings and environments are bigger, the tombs are plentiful, the combat is exciting and Lara herself is once again brought to life thanks to Camilla Luddington's fantastic performance.

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Unscored - Stella Glow
Nov 13, 2015

Stella Glow is a good Strategy-RPG that doesn't do anything to push the genre forward, partially because the genre is already so forward to begin with. For fans of anime, J-Pop or Strategy role-playing in general, the game is definitely worth checking out. The game packs plenty of content as it can take you between 30-50 hours to finish, depending on how much you like to grind.

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Nov 12, 2015

If you're going to be buying Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, you're doing it for Zombies and a fresh multiplayer experience after a year of Advanced Warfare. It sure as heck isn't going to be for the campaign, which is the worst we've seen in quite some time.

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Unscored - Fallout 4
Nov 9, 2015

Fallout 4 is a massive game. Simple as that. There's so much to do and I feel like not enough time to do it in. Granted, there is no character "max level" preventing me from unlocking all the perks once I do complete the main story.

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