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Hardcore Gamer

2960 games reviewed
74.1 average score
80 median score
57.2% of games recommended

Hardcore Gamer's Reviews

May 2, 2017

Despite being left wanting a bit more, What Remains of Edith Finch is a one of those examples of truly interactive storytelling.

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May 2, 2017

When discussing The Caligula Effect, one cannot help but feel it will fall under the same umbrella as Resonance of Fate. It's highly flawed and requires a bit of work to get the best out of it.

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Apr 29, 2017

The developer got some of it right, but the vast majority of this game is riddled with too many cracks in the facade, indicating it was launched way too soon.

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Apr 28, 2017

Immortal Redneck is an absolutely fantastic FPS-roguelike.

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3 / 5.0 - Syberia 3
Apr 27, 2017

There'll always be a time and a place for a game like Syberia 3.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Puyo Puyo Tetris
Apr 25, 2017

Other than one minor imbalance that could potentially be attributed to personal skill, there's no reason not to pick up Puyo Puyo Tetris. Even those who have long grown weary of the component games will find the well worn gameplay injected with new life with this melding.

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“Thicker Than Water” has its moments of enjoyment and incredulity, but the slow build-up and the meandering nature of the episode as a whole turns it into a frustrating chunk of a mostly consistent season. Players who stick through it will be well-rewarded with an intriguing finale setup that will hopefully pay off, but individually, the episode feels more like an obstacle than a continuation.

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Apr 24, 2017

For all the temporal distractions, the near-mandatory attitude and dictation its open-World formula ends up presenting may end up dealing a blow to Sniper Ghost Warrior 3‘s small and hidden joys of explorative distraction.

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Apr 24, 2017

Dragon Quest Heroes II delivers what a fan would want from a sequel, which in this case is more of the same but with some additions and improvements.

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4 / 5.0 - Outlast II
Apr 24, 2017

This game has a little longer playtime than the original, but that will most likely be extended in the first playthrough due to the unfamiliarity with locations and enemies. Outlast 2 will punish and terrify at the same time; it's a cruel game.

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Apr 24, 2017

The Falconers: Moonlight is an awesome debut for developer Bionic Penguin. Sure, it does show its indie status at times with a small intermittent soundtrack and lack of voice acting, but the pitch perfect writing, scenario and visuals pull things together in spite of a few missteps.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Nightshade
Apr 24, 2017

Nightshade has tremendous promise but tends to fall short in the moments that it fails to empower its own protagonist.

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Apr 24, 2017

NEKO-NIN exHeart is not a game for every visual novel lover out there.

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4 / 5.0 - Bayonetta
Apr 21, 2017

It feels like a dream seeing Bayonetta on PC, and thankfully, it's no nightmare.

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Apr 21, 2017

Little Nightmares has its flaws and iffy moments, but when it's at its best, it creates a tense, nightmarish, action-packed world filled with surreal scenery that contains some classic puzzle design and a host of gleefully creepy characters to chase you all throughout it.

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Apr 20, 2017

A new Dawn of War has risen, and it's an exciting return from a long dormant franchise.

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Tangled Up in Blue is a promising start for the Guardians of the Galaxy series, as Telltale applies its usual focus upon the contrasting relationships of the flawed but endearing squad. With some fresh tweaks to the gameplay and a solid soundtrack to rock out to, Telltale's latest is one to keep an eye on for both Guardians fans and newcomers alike.

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4 / 5.0 - Mr. Shifty
Apr 20, 2017

Mr. Shifty knows how to keep you on the edge of your seat yet tentatively conserved all the same.

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Apr 20, 2017

While Voodoo Vince Remastered isn't a classic of the platforming genre, it's still very good.

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Apr 20, 2017

The length issue really does hold back Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality. The time spent in game accomplishes exactly what it should: it's entertaining with plenty of funny moments. Being so short, however, gives the final product an air of disposability. There aren't any reasons to revisit the game when it's done, except to goof around with random things in the garage and maybe slap Rick around again. The actual contents of this offering deserves recognition; there just needs to be more. Nothing is more frustrating than getting into a groove with something only for it to end before it feels finis….

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