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839 games reviewed
74.9 average score
78 median score
48.6% of games recommended

GBAtemp's Reviews

Feb 3, 2016

Lego Marvel's Avengers is a fun solid title but is also another by-the-numbers Lego game. There isn't really any advancement to gameplay mechanics and this is a bit of a disappointment after how great Lego Marvel Super Heroes was. The story mode is a bit boring to play through and once again the real highlight of the game is free-roaming the world hubs.

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Jan 21, 2016

The Deadly Tower of Monsters is one of the strangest games I've played in some time. It goes for a 1950's B-movie scifi aesthetic and completely nails it, it's just a shame that the gameplay is so simple making the overall package underwhelming.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Resident Evil 0 HD
Jan 18, 2016

Resident Evil 0 stands completely on its own. You can go into this game completely blind, having never played a single Resident Evil game, and be able to appreciate it all. In fact, it's the best way to jump into the series. I highly recommend this game to newcomers and veterans alike. Do yourself a favor and get this game.

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All in all, Trails of Cold Steel is a very solid experience. It takes the groundwork from other popular series in the genre, and although it doesn't do anything outstanding with that, it's still a great game.

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King's Quest: A Knight to Remember is the first part of a five part re-imagining of the original King's Quest games, and boy what a fun re-imagining this first episode turned out to be. While not technically a classic point-and-click styled game like the original series, A Knight to Remember manages to keep that same feel of exploration and adventure like the original games before it, and Christopher Lloyd's narration and witty banter throughout the game is like icing on the cake. For fans of the series, I'd strongly recommend you pick this up, and for those unfamiliar this makes an excellent introductory game to the series.

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6 / 10.0 - Just Dance 2016
Dec 27, 2015

Just Dance 2016 is a great game for parties, where dance mat style of gaming is not feasible anymore. Not much has changed from last year and the subscription service seems to be the future of the series.

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Dec 10, 2015

Rainbow Six Siege is both exciting and disappointing. Finally a realistic team-based shooter but it doesn't feel like a full priced game and is marred by microtransactions. If your game is light on content compared to previous entries in the series and you still put in microtransactions, you are going to annoy the fan base, and if they are anything like me, assume all you want to do is milk players of their cash. That aside, there is a great base game here but it's just not enough.

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5 / 10.0 - Yo-Kai Watch
Nov 29, 2015

I'm interested to see if Nintendo will continue this series in America. There's definitely a lot of groundwork made in this game, but it's so unrefined that I really can't recommend buying this game. But keep an eye out for a sequel, because if the combat system was fixed, this game could have been a home run.

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Nov 24, 2015

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash was always designed to be a filler game as we wait for Xenoblade X, Star Fox Zero, and Zelda U. It's unfortunate that not a lot of effort was put into the game, but it's still enjoyable enough as it is. Once the price tag drops, I'll be willing to recommend it.

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Nov 19, 2015

Battlefront was a game I highly anticipated, played like mad, and probably won't revisit. It was fun for the time I got out of it, but the lasting appeal, the lacking sense of progression, and the repetitive nature quickly pushed me away from the game. It's a perfect title for a die-hard Star Wars fan that wants to enjoy a cool multiplayer experience, but only if they are ready to play the same thing over and over again for a long period of time.

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I liked Divinity Original Sin. It was one of my all time favorite classic-styled RPGs. The Enhanced Edition is simply more of what I loved from the original version of the game, and definitely holds up to my original love for the game. I can wholeheartedly recommend any and all console gamers to pick up this wonderful title if you haven't played it already.

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Nov 15, 2015

Wasteland 2: Director's Cut is the perfect game for someone who's played it all and seen it all - it's a nostalgic trip down memory lane. It's rough around the edges and some of its mechanics seem dated, but... that's the whole point. It's an old school roleplaying that isn't afraid to just throw you into the fray, and although it may not be a perfect game, it's definitely good enough to recommend to any fan of Western RPG's and tactical shooters alike. Considering the budget price point, you get so much bang for the buck that there's really no reason not to get it and see for yourself if you'd make a good Desert Ranger.

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Oct 26, 2015

The Rope Launcher feels like it should have always been in the game and horse drawn carriages are fun to drive and cause mayhem with. It's still Assassin's Creed, but these new options are a welcome addition to what was already dubbed a stale franchise. It will be interesting to see where the series goes now, as it can't go back and remove these new features.

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Oct 25, 2015

Zestiria does some interesting things with its battle systems but really falls short in terms of story telling and artistic presentation. Although I feel this title would make for a better entry point into the Tales of franchise, it hardly feels like one of the more stellar games in the series. Give it a shot if you're a die-hard fan, but take caution if you're new to the Tales of games.

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Oct 24, 2015

Overall, the game is great for fans of the early Transformers series...but is only great for them. I don't fall in this demographic, so I found the game to be mostly lackluster and boring. It felt like a chore playing a game about kickass robots simply because I hardly recognized most of the references they tried to make.

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4 / 10.0 - Bedlam
Oct 23, 2015

Bedlam unfortunately didn't have very many high points for me, other than having some solid gameplay that was plagued by mediocrity in its world. The sound design was nice, the graphics were lackluster and the overall experience left me wishing for an overall better experience.

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Story Mode is a solid attempt at giving all new meaning to creativity in Minecraft. The plot is set and it looks to be both interesting and fun. I'm looking forward to continuing the story Telltale has crafted and seeing everything they have in store for the game.

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Oct 13, 2015

Overall, while it isn't some incredibly intense new offering, 4-II does enough to make veterans and newcomers happy. Normally I find myself bored slashing through hordes over and over, but 4-II had a certain charm and a much better experience that kept me going. I'd recommend it to anyone that hasn't played 4 before, or anyone who is a die hard fan.

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I had a great time playing Broken Sword 5. Is it as good as my personal favourites, the first two games in the series? No, it is not, but it's still an excellent Point & Click adventure that I would personally recommend. It's quite a different experience to the more recent releases in the genre that adheres to a more classic format, which both works in its favour and against it, depending on how you look at it. It's definitely a solid title, especially considering the fact that it was funded via Kickstarter, and with the low price point in mind, I'd definitely consider giving it a go - you won't regret it.

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Sep 28, 2015

Persona 4: Dancing All Night is an amazing rhythm game with incredible music that even had me singing along. While I didn't really like the storytelling or the low amount of songs in the game, I still enjoyed my time spent with the game.

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