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823 games reviewed
75.6 average score
80 median score
58.8% of games recommended

TrustedReviews's Reviews

Aug 14, 2017

Fullbright has crafted an impressive yet ultimately unfulfilling narrative adventure in Tacoma. Its characters and setting are some of the best in the medium in terms of dialogue and atmosphere, but the overarching plot is far too weak to hold them altogether. That being said, exploring the lonely space station is a journey I don't regret taking.

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Aug 14, 2017

Consider Splatoon 2 the definitive version of the original game and this is an excellent proposition. Its multiplayer action is still some of the best and most creative around, and for fans who ploughed plenty of hours into the original game, there's still plenty of fun to be had.

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Aug 14, 2017

While the new art style is divisive, it brings with it improved combat and animations, making Nidhogg 2 great for multiplayer madness if you can gather together some friends in-person or online. However, as a single-player experience the Arcade mode quickly loses its appeal. Still, if you're looking for your next pick-up-and-play party game, Nidhogg 2 can be a hoot.

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Aug 10, 2017

It doesn't have the colourful personality of Overwatch, but give Lawbreakers a chance. Get beyond the steep learning curve and you'll find a team-based shooter packed with smart ideas and interesting mechanics, where great movement capabilities and a fine mix of weapons keep the action furious and fun.

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Hellblade triumphs equally as action game, mythic quest and psychological character study, bringing together some amazing visuals, great performances and ingenious design. It's short-lived but perfectly paced with a blend of action and puzzles that grows in richness and complexity as the game goes on. While some might prefer Enslaved or the DMC reboot, I'd call it Ninja Theory's best work yet.

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Telltale kicks off the second season of Batman with all the power and momentum it needs, meaning if everything goes right, this will be an outright success.

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Jul 13, 2017

Valkyria Revolution is a mediocre game, wearing the clothes – or, some might say, riding on the coat-tails – of a far superior predecessor. It's no exaggeration to say that the HD remake of Valkyria Chronicles for the PS4 (a 2016 rehash of a 2008 game) is also far prettier than Revolution.

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Minecraft: Story Mode Season 2, Episode 1 is a nice return for the series as it continues to be as light and easy as before. The perfect next step for families who love Mojang's absurdly successful creation.

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Square-Enix hasn't pulled off any miracles with this remaster, but The Zodiac Age gives players one of the great Final Fantasies, looking sharper and playing better than it ever has before. The battle and progress systems that once infuriated aficionados haven't become less abrasive with time, but they also help give the game its pace and a feel that's unlike any other game in the series. More immediately entertaining than FF13 and surprisingly innovative and forward-looking for its time, FF12 has worn very well. If you didn't get a chance to play it a decade ago, now's your chance.

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Jul 4, 2017

As was the case with Farpoint, the Aim Controller is once again the star of the show. For PSVR owners who have already shelled out for the controller, Arizona Sunshine is an easier sell, setting them back £30 rather than the eye-watering £70. Yet, with the other control options severely lacking, for everyone else this game is a tough sell.

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Talk about a squandered opportunity. There's nothing much wrong with the graphics or the rough-and-tumble arcade racing, but the new Micro Machines hasn't got the single-player mode to pull players in or the multiplayer content required to keep them there. There's a sorry sense of ‘will this do?' about World Series. While the nostalgia factor is high, the rest is a letdown.

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Think you're tired of Diablo III? Rise of the Necromancer will soon change that. The revamped corpse-raiser is a blast to play and a smashing way to revitalise both the campaign and Adventure Mode. Newcomers to Diablo 3 won't find it so essential when there's so much content and so many classes to get stuck into already, but this is one more good reason to get into Blizzard's epic, cementing its status as an all-time-great action RPG.

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Jun 28, 2017

Ever Oasis is a tricky game to describe succinctly. Combining multiple different game styles into one is no easy task and, for the most part, Ever Oasis does an admirable job of at least coming close to achieving its lofty ambition. There's so much to do it can feel a little overwhelming at first but the game does a great job guiding you through, especially for younger gamers.

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Jun 21, 2017

Get Even refuses to be pigeon-holed at any point, and though some people won't be able keep up with the madness, for those that can it's an entirely unique experience. Bandai Namco may just have the most interesting game of 2017 here, and a potential huge cult hit.

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Jun 19, 2017

Intense doesn't even cover it. Nex Machina is every bit as tough, exciting and absorbing as the eighties arcade classics that inspired it. There's something about its gameplay that seems perfectly honed and balanced, pulling you into ever-more-challenging scenarios and pushing you to make the grade.

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- Arms
Jun 7, 2017

ARMS is a unique-feeling brawler with a surprising amount of depth. It also looks great, combining a colourful flair with some of the most realistic environments and characters the big N has made for some time. Its motion controls are also a resounding success.

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Jun 6, 2017

While many modern racers attempt to deliver a visual showcase, Dirt 4 instead focuses on what's going on under the bonnet. Every vehicle – except those damn crosskarts – feels incredible, as if you're trying to tame some naughty mechanical beast. Each shunt deforms your car's body, each lap cakes it in dirt, and you can see your driver's head wobbling around as you drive over each bump. It's super-convincing.

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WipEout Omega Collection is a remaster that any fan is going to go loopy over, and there's a high possibility it'll find a new audience, too. A very slick and well-designed update.

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May 31, 2017

For the absolute casual player, the recently released Injustice 2 is a better package. The cinematic Story and brilliant Multiverse provide the single-player fighter with more than enough reason to keep coming back. But Tekken 7 is the game that comes closest to truly satisfying both parts of the fighting game market.

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May 31, 2017

Featuring deceptively deep cooperative gameplay, Bridge Crew is the best virtual reality multiplayer game currently on the market – and it will give Trekkies multiple hours of joy. However, a lack of variety in missions, and the general asshattery of some players in public matchmaking, mean it's a dish best enjoyed with a team of friends, not randoms.

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