The Skinny's Reviews
In the world of popular entertainment, the ‘reboot/re-imaging/regurgitation’ of licenses is becoming something of an easy fix to an ailing franchise – with mixed results. Ratchet and Clank can consider itself a success on those terms; an invigorating fresh start and an excellent bedrock for the future of the series.
All these flaws add up, and while the serious bugs are likely to get fixed (the developers have patched a number of issues since launch), Heaven's Hope remains a bit of a disappointment given its promise. Once the remaining bugs are fixed, it’s a worthwhile game for fans of this genre, who will doubtless appreciate its quirky characters, original story and convoluted item puzzles. Newcomers to the genre would be better off trying the classics first.
In short, whilst Wind Waker has risen in esteem over the years, Twilight Princess has gone from being the greatest Zelda adventure to ‘merely’ a great Zelda adventure. Make no mistakes, it is certainly still that, and worth every penny of this remaster for fans of the series, even if you still own the original. Its minor blemishes are to be expected a decade down the line but in fact Twilight Princess looks and plays better than you’ll likely remember it. Nostalgia, it seems, is still what it used to be.
It may not be the deepest game we've played this month, but it's pretty darn entertaining.
With its ‘no fail’ gameplay, your titular goat is pretty much invulnerable to all Goat Simulator has to throw at it; huge falls, car wrecks, massive explosions, Billy will pretty much pick himself up again and again. Ironic really as someone needs to put Goat Simulator out of its own misery.
The Walking Dead: Michonne – Episode 1: In Too Deep is an effective opener, as long as you aren't expecting dramatic changes in Telltale's modus operandi. It feels like there could be something special here in further episodes but success is very much dependent on where they'll let this character go.
Ultimate Chicken Horse is a great concept and what is presented here is well executed. Solo players may want to wait for online play – which wasn’t available at the time of writing – but if you have the potential to snag a few mates and their joypads over then it’s definitely worth investigating.
If you're a fan of Hotline Miami or the fast paced OlliOlli then we'd recommed putting Not A Hero at the top of your download list.
It's an unforgettable experience, and a great example of how games can confront some of the world's most serious subjects without trivialising them.
The Witness is at once beautiful, intricate and alluring whilst being obtuse, unsympathetic and draining. It's not for everyone and few will see all it has to offer. It can punish as much as it rewards. Yet there is little else like it in the field of games, or indeed anywhere else, and whilst these small blemishes may prevent The Witness from being an outright classic, it remains a peerless example of videogame form.
As much as the comparisons to XCOM don't tell the whole story of Hard West, it's probably fair to say that if you enjoy that brand of cautious run and gun, turn-based action, you'll probably be able to forgive Hard West its sins.
Pulse's greatest sin is its failure to deliver on its grandiose promise. This could be a serviceable adventure but there isn't a section of the game that goes by without provoking the thought "this could have been something much more" and that pervasive feeling of disappointment is hugely damaging to the overall experience.
In aiming for a slightly different market with this Xbox port, Elite: Dangerous could have fallen foul. However, it's testament to how strong its many different facets are that you can play the game like you're Captain Kirk or Captain Solo and have it work either way.
Criticisms of an industry becoming reliant on dusting off classic titles may hold true overall, but on a case by case basis, Uncharted clearly proves that some games are more deserving than others.
The extent to which Broforce's ludicrously silly, testosterone-drenched stylings appeal will likely be the determining factor for most people in choosing to take a chance on the game. To miss out on it for this reason would be a real shame though; beneath its macho posturing is a fine game, easily one of the best 2D shooters of the last few years.
Until Dawn is a fantastic title from Supermassive Games with plenty of scope for replay given the amount of alternative choices available. If you've missed out on it so far, get it in time for Hallowe'en, but just remember to watch your back...
While drawing inspiration from what has gone before is to be expected in any creative endeavour, failing to put your own mark on your source material can leave the finished product feeling like little more than nostalgic indulgence. It's a trap that Act of Aggression has thrown itself into willingly.
It's also unfortunate that there isn't a stronger story arc or antagonist to further improve the experience. Regardless, Xeodrifter is a clever title that'll feel right at home on a PlayStation Vita with its short bursts of gameplay and inspired mechanics, providing a formidable challenge to boot.
Mad Max feels like a polished title, one that tries to be a comprehensive sandbox game that, like its titular character, is able to hold its own. However, as fans of the films will know, in such a crowded world, not all can survive.
Fans of stealth games will definitely find plenty to enjoy here but others may find themselves left cold by a game that seemingly refuses to acknowledge that less can be more.