HomepageMonsterVine's Reviews
World’s End Club has a great story, but it isn’t a great game.
If you like your survival horror games to include unsettling enemies, clever puzzles, and backtracking to unlock new doors as you explore a sinister location, Tormented Souls is the game you’ve been waiting for.
I can’t stress enough how much fun Aliens: Fireteam Elite is. If you’re a fan of the franchise, don’t pass this one up.
They will make video games after this but they shouldn’t, perfection has been achieved.
Recompile is a frustrating game. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad game because I still had a lot of fun with it and definitely recommend playing it, as I knocked out the entire thing in a single session.
Very few games get as much right with their formula as Death’s Door does.
Even among fans of dialogue-driven adventure titles, I couldn’t possibly recommend Last Stop.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles may be Shu Takumi and Capcom’s best Ace Attorney work yet.
Players beware: Clown in a House is somewhat depressing with an almost one-dimensional tone.
Shadowverse: Champion’s Battle is a jam-packed digital card game that combines the charm of a shonen sports anime with the addictive and deceptively deep strategy of the Shadowverse card game.
Chivalry 2 is a good entry into the melee-focused multiplayer scene.
Scarlet Nexus has the foundation of a great idea that’s executed poorly and spends more time introducing new systems than exploring the ones already provided.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is an excellent remaster of an underappreciated Zelda title.
I burned through The Forgotten City in a single session, fully intrigued by the game’s world but I just wish the game’s mechanics had a bigger influence over the story it was trying to tell.
Samurai Warriors 5 is a strong musou game. It can be a bit repetitive and has some technical stuttering, but blowing through foes and experiencing the fascinating historical story are just too fun.
Whether you’re an old-school golfer or someone open to some speedy golf, Super Rush will cater to you with strong mechanics and that Mario charm.
Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound and Debriefed is a rough game all-around.
I would avoid Cris Tales on the Switch until there’s been some patching done or you’ve tested it on another platform.
The Silver Case 2425 is a captivating collection of The Silver Case and The 25th Ward that, while flawed, provide a good deal of insight into the mind of Suda51.
If you were the person to put this game down because it’s an endless slog, then it’s probably not worth the steep price tag.