Happy's Humble Burger Farm

FairHappy's Humble Burger Farm header image

Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

9 / 10
80 / 100
Screen Rant
3.5 / 5
5 / 10
7.5 / 10
5 / 10
6 / 10
4 / 5
Creators: tinyBuild, Scythe Dev Team
Release Date: Dec 3, 2021 - Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch
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Happy's Humble Burger Farm Trailers

Happy’s Humble Burger Farm  - Launch Trailer |  Horror Adventure Cooking Sim thumbnail

Happy’s Humble Burger Farm - Launch Trailer | Horror Adventure Cooking Sim

Happy’s Humble Burger Farm - Announcement Trailer thumbnail

Happy’s Humble Burger Farm - Announcement Trailer

Happy's Humble Burger Farm Screenshots

Critic Reviews for Happy's Humble Burger Farm

In my eyes, Happy’s Humble Burger Farm is a genius game. A horror game tied to the drudgeries of life isn’t a new concept. Even the idea of avoiding the wrath of cute mascots has been done before. However, Happy’s Humble Burger Farm does it with such dreamlike depth and panache that I can’t help but be impressed. I doubt this will be the last time I dawn the ugly apron and sling fattening food, and I just know there are more pieces of the mystery waiting to be scraped off the grill.

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I’m a big fan of Happy’s Humble Burger Farm. Its atmosphere, high-stakes management, and foreboding sense of doom come together in a perfectly palatable throwback that anyone can enjoy. Plus – without giving anything away – there’s plenty of room for a sequel that doesn’t necessarily need to be about a restaurant. If Scythe Dev Team wants to flip the switch on that, I’ll be there.

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Overall, Happy's Humble Burger Farm is successful in creating a dark and mysterious world that begs to be explored. The horror elements play well into the aesthetic, and the jump scares can be quite effective. For players who just love to cook, there is an unlockable Endless Mode after beating the game which allows just that. Any fan of the horror genre will easily get their money's worth with this one.

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5 / 10.0

Happy's Humble Burger Farm is full of untapped potential and although it has some fun elements to it, the lack of polishing and bad development choices ultimately bring it down.

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However, I cannot fully recommend the Switch being the platform for you to do so. The somewhat clumsy adaptation of the controls, especially in menus, has the unfortunate effect of saddling some of the game's more fun aspects underneath some extra frustration not present in the PC version of the game. If you absolutely have no other choice, there's still a fun game to be found here, but it is a weaker version than the original.

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Happy's Humble Burger Farm, despite some good ideas and hidden secrets, falls into a repetitive routine. Even an interesting story cannot save the game from bad design decisions and technical issues.

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Delivering a delicious protein of a cooking game sandwiched between an engaging story and retro horror presentation, Happy’s Humble Burger Farm succeeds at points. The horror and wider gameplay sully the burger with spoilt toppings, but the core of this sandwich is still worth a try.

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Happy’s Humble Burger Farm is weird, creepy, creative, and strange. It’s a great little horror game for anyone with a thirst for spooks and lore in equal measure, and I hope its small problems get ironed out over time. It’s one of the most interesting games I’ve played recently, and it’s absolutely worth checking out.

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