HomepageMonsterVine's Reviews
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap should be used as a benchmark for future remakes of classic games.
If you never played the original Bulletstorm, you owe it to yourself to check out the re-release of People Can Fly’s shooter classic.
While the game is charming and great for multi-player, the lack of content outside of the multiplayer makes it hard to justify Bomberman R, especially at a full retail price.
Yooka-Laylee is simply a great quality platformer with few technical issues, a distinct presentation and a wacky world to run around in.
Episode Gladio is a good start for Final Fantasy XV’s planned DLC. While Cor and Gilgamesh are great to see, and the changed gameplay is interesting, the dungeon and overall story are somewhat bland.
With an amazing focus on adventure and exploration, Breath of the Wild is a fantastic journey, despite some noticeable hiccups.
Full of fantastic writing, engrossing characters, and blood-pumping adrenaline-filled trials, Danganronpa 1.2 Reload is a necessary purchase for anyone who enjoys strong narratives.
If you’re able to stomach DESYNC’s almost sadistic difficulty, you might find something of worth here, otherwise look elsewhere for something better.
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight is admirable in that it’s an indie game in the truest sense of the word.
Aside from a few graphical improvements and mechanical tweaks, not much has changed. Sadly, a lack of true originality and asymmetry makes this sequel just a tad weaker than its prequel.
The Class Trial Danganronpa VR is a grand showcase of what VR can do for games outside of the horror/simulator genres.
There are a lot of things to enjoy about Ys Origin, but it’s held back from reaching true greatness because of its ridiculous difficulty spikes and its story that requires three playthroughs to fully take in.
Its four episodes build up such an intriguing, unsettling atmosphere, the experience is well worth it for fans of horror stories.
Loot Rascals is a bit of a frustrating package because the core concept is so damn interesting and well done, it’s just everything that surrounds it that sours the experience.
Torment: Tides of Numenera is a complex beast. Many of its parts are well-done and the core of the game is solid, many other elements are less than stellar, especially on the Xbox One.
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk is a fantastic hack-and-slash for Berserk fans, and a good one for any other action fans.
While the more daring and dedicated fans will love the remarkably deep Digivolution system and the homages to previous entries in the series, newer or more casual fans will likely be scared away by the importance of every single action they take.
Alone With You doesn’t delve as deeply into its existential themes as you might expect, and its romance elements are light, but it still provides an enjoyable experience and an interesting story about the only survivor of a sci-fi disaster.
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is a wildly enjoyable title that is guaranteed to scare all but the most heartless players.
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King is the crown-gem of RPGs on the 3DS, and one of the most enjoyable JRPGs of recent memory.