HomepageMonsterVine's Reviews
MotoGP 17 is a racer that will mostly appeal to fans who prefer substance to style, for better or for worse.
Superhot VR is PSVR’s second killer app — behind Resident Evil 7 — that further proves virtual reality’s potential to fully immerse you in an interactive action experience.
Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire and Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion try to tell a grand story, but their flaws hold them back despite an entertaining and unusual battle system.
Reused gameplay, ridiculous audio and visual oversights, and a story that’s more bland than saltines make this one title that even fans of the anime will get little from.
Aven Colony is thoroughly competent but uninspiring colony management game with overly-familiar mechanics. It’s an interesting diversion for fans of the genre but breaks no new ground.
The Lion’s Song is short, but its characters, connections, and choices make it worthwhile for anyone intrigued by the idea of a story that follows multiple characters in their search for inspiration.
While Cars 3 is technically functional, this is one game that’s best left in the junkyard.
Tekken 7 doesn’t reinvent itself, but it doesn’t need to because it always has been, and still is, one of the best fighting games around.
Blending fantastic strategy RPG and business simulator gameplay with an incomparably meta sense of humor, Chroma Squad overcomes its overlong stages with mighty morphin’ colors.
There are indeed some meaningful moments and emotional reunions, but the inconsistency of some major characters proves to be a disappointing blemish in an otherwise strong finale.
Full of charming characters, ridiculous humor, and exceptional gameplay that could last you an eternity, Disgaea 5 is not one to be missed.
Injustice 2 is a fantastic fighting game, filled to the brim with an endless amount of character customization options, an engrossing story, and on-point online modes that will pleases DC fans and fighting game fans alike.
NBA Playgrounds is a fine arcade baller that wears its inspirations clearly on its sleeveless sleeves and helps that it boasts a representative NBA roster for fun mix-and-match court battles.
While some of its new features make the game feel dull at times, the use of monster medals and the wonderful writing make this a musou for Dragon Quest fans and Warrior fans alike.
Thicker Than Water serves as an excellent prelude to the carnage that is sure to come in the Season finale.
Death Squared is a simple and charming puzzle game that features excellent puzzles and exceptional voice-work.
The amount of twists and turns within the episode keeps you interested throughout the majority of its playtime, especially thanks to Clem’s flashbacks.
Little Nightmares might leave you with more questions than answers, but the strange, macabre journey should keep you wanting more.
Persona 5 is the series’ addictive formula refined to a nearly perfect form.
COMMENTS While Guardians of the Galaxy further proves that TellTale needs to overhaul their engine, the story and soundtrack make up for any technical issues thanks to the endless charm and genuine fun at the heart of the game.