HomepageMonsterVine's Reviews
Games like this don’t come around often, so it’s a nice change of pace for anyone looking for a simple good time.
The third episode of Batman: The TellTale Series is less eventful than previous installments. Though it provides some interesting twists and turns, the episode doesn’t yield much progress until the last half hour ...
Duke Nukem 3D is still a fantastic game, but technical issues, little to no commentary, and a dead on release multiplayer community makes an already overpriced package hard to recommend.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is yet another exceptional Dragon Ball game. The story, roster, and gameplay are all exemplary, and the new and improved content in the game is absolutely fantastic. Though the game suffers from some pacing and loading issues, with remarkably average music, Xenoverse 2 is still an amazing Dragon Ball game that will make any fan ecstatic.
The wretched drought of The Taken King is over, and guardians everywhere have dusted off their copies of Destiny. Destiny: Rise of Iron is finally here, and it does not disappoint.
By weaving history and a biracial lead, Hangar 13 succeeds in delivering a compelling narrative with set pieces that resonate as one of the best this year.
Yo-Kai Watch 2 is everything a sequel should be. Bony Spirits/Fleshy Souls improves upon the original Yo-Kai Watch in every way, giving players yet another refreshing catch-em-all game with a unique story, plenty of fun new Yo-Kai, and a ton of new quality content.
Storytelling and character development aren’t Earthlock’s strongest points, but it has some interesting twists on classic JRPG gameplay. If you miss those classic games, Earthlock: Festival of Magic is worth a look—just don’t expect anything earthshaking.
Dragon Quest VII is a shining example of what JRPGs can be, thanks to its lovable cast of characters, impressive and intriguing narrative, and back-to-basics approach to gameplay.
The second episode of Batman: The TellTale series raises the stakes in a major way, with both weighty decisions, and a plot that continues to astound.
Although Spirit of Justice doesn’t utilize all of its mechanics to their full potential, it is filled with the strong storytelling and humor fans of the series expect. It is a must-play for any Ace Attorney fan.
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 is a fun variation of the classic Pac-Man formula you know and love.
Forza Horizon 3 is exactly what a sequel is supposed to be, and then some. A phenomenal follow-up to Forza Horizon 2 that takes what's best about the series and improves them. The visual are unmatched by anything else on Xbox, the multiplayer is seamless and extremely social ,and the community and customization features are extensive. Despite some potential server issues, Forza Horizon 3 is an extremely happy and expansive experience that has yet to get old.
Metroid Prime: Federation Force is a bland and frustrating take on the Metroid franchise. Though it’s a technically functional game, Federation Force is an overall disappointment that doesn’t understand what makes Metroid so great.
Mother Russia Bleeds is ultimately a competent, but somewhat forgettable entry in the beat'em-up genre.
Metrico+ fares better than its predecessor but still falls just a bit short. The puzzles are engaging and challenging, but are more frustrating than enjoyable at times and can make it hard to even want to continue. The visuals and sounds are beautiful, but are little more than smoke and mirrors in a game that can be easily completed in under an hour with no real incentive to play.
Attack on Titan is as high-flying and fun as the anime it's based on.
Starbound is the kind of game you’d expect to be a cluttered mess, but all of the pieces work in tandem to create a dynamic experience with many interesting features and solid fundamentals.
Mankind Divided falls pretty short as a sequel with a lackluster plot and some technical issues, but as a whole it's still a well put together package that's a blast to play.
The King of Fighters XIV is almost everything you could ask for from a fighting game. It’s fast, flashy, full of content, and most importantly, fun.