HomepageMonsterVine's Reviews
Mankind Divided falls pretty short as a sequel with a lackluster plot and some technical issues, but as a whole it's still a well put together package that's a blast to play.
The King of Fighters XIV is almost everything you could ask for from a fighting game. It’s fast, flashy, full of content, and most importantly, fun.
Headlander is a unexpected but pleasant title that has rekindled my interest in 2D side-scrollers. The title is both familiar and wholly unique, and the main mechanic of Headlanding is entertaining and intuitive. A sleek and stylistic design matched with an incredible attention to detail more than make up for any frustrations with the game’s combat or puzzles.
A.W.: Phoenix Festa combines the action RPG and dating sim genres, but unfortunately doesn’t excel at either.
The first episode of Batman: The TellTale Series serves as a riveting start to what could be the best Bruce Wayne story ever told.
A beautifully dark tale woven around an adequate management game.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force is a fun but muddled action-strategy game that puts a bit too much focus on the strategy aspect.
Despite minor frustrations and a predictable plot, I Am Setsuna contains enough charm and entertainment to please players nostalgic for the classic era of JRPGs.
Prison Architect is a solid title with an engaging premise and an enjoyable campaign that can last as long as 6 hours or more.
God Eater Resurrection is a tense and action-packed game that provides a fun and emotionally-driven experience, despite some overly complicated gameplay mechanics.
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens succeeds as both a Lego game, and as a Star Wars game.
Furi is a party, plain and simple: a madcap adrenaline rush with sounds and visuals like the best rave party of your life.
Anyone who enjoys visual novels, or great stories in general, should stop by VA11-HALL-A for a refreshing drink.
The Technomancer is a formidable recommendation to players searching for engrossing adventure and gameplay, despite its rough edges and odd technical eccentricities.
Fans of One Piece and fighting games alike will find something to enjoy in its flashy fighting system, whether it's the wide range of fan-favourite characters, or the solid fighting mechanics.
Though it could use a little more polish, Shrouded in Sanity is an intriguing and challenging experience that should appeal to fans of Souls games and H.P. Lovecraft.
Total War: Warhammer just feels right in most every way, even if it can get slow or frustrating at times. Despite a few annoying caveats and some performance issues, most of the game's features are enjoyable, enticing and immersive.
Outside of some repetitive aspects in gameplay outside of battle, Leifthrasir is a fantastic ride that every action fan should try out.
Detective Hunt – Crownston City PD is a little rough around the edges, but its multiple paths and intertwined stories show potential.
The depth of combat is immensely satisfying, however the relatively low number of questlines for an open world roguelike results in some tiring repeats.