Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle

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Critic Reviews for Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle
Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Mega Battle is a love letter to both the show and beat-em-ups that falls short of reaching its goals. The franchise’s earliest games were largely better than this, and while this does scratch a nostalgia itch to some degree, it isn’t a satisfying gaming experience. Movesets are far too lean and there are too few enemies to keep the action interesting for very long. Dedicated fans of the show may want to check it out, but everyone else can safely skip it.
Whether you’re a hardcore fan of the show, someone who watched the original series as a kid, or someone who’s excited for the new movie, I’d stay away from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle. The Rangers deserve something that’s more than a cheap cash-in, but I doubt we’ll see anything like that anytime soon.
Power Rangers: Mega Battle captures the player with the promise of nostalgia but has no elements capable of restraining it once vanished the effect of the memories.
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From the looks of it, Bamtang likely had to deal with a tight deadline and a low budget when they undertook this project, since Bandai Namco probably wanted the game to come out before the Power Rangers movie hits theaters. Seeing that the title showed a bit of potential with the way how the Rangers played, I could see this being true. However, this doesn’t prevent the game from leaving a huge dent in the Command Center.
As a game that was obviously meant to reinvigorate old fans and introduce new ones to the series during the wake of the reboot movie, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Mega Battle feels more like an afterthought than an actual attempt at making a new and good Power Rangers game. While it may be something old fans of the TV show could enjoy just to scratch that nostalgia itch, as a video game released in 2017 it just fails to hit the mark and is far from being something that could be called a good gaming experience. It can even be said that some of the older games created for the franchise are much better and would be more recommended than this.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle is a fun couch co-op game that should be played with friends and family alike. It's not perfect by any means, but it manages to do the job and entertain at the same time.