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The Outerhaven Productions

812 games reviewed
76.7 average score
80 median score
64.9% of games recommended

The Outerhaven Productions's Reviews

An enjoyable ride that ends way too soon and despite playing as one of the more interesting enemies in the game, you don't feel like the menace that the Keeper was when you originally encountered him. Thankfully the game makes up for its short duration in new game+ that includes more battles and something else at the end. What exactly, well that's up to you to find out. While not on the same quality as the previously two dlc titles, this is still worthwhile for The Evil Within fans.

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Mar 29, 2015

Bloodborne is perhaps the best reason to date to own a PlayStation 4. Despite several minor issues that I have with the game, it's easily the best looking title on the system and easily my favorite (I still love you Driveclub). It has fast based combat system, more than enough weapons to keep just about everyone happy, interesting locations that you'll wander and get lost in and more importantly, it's fun. Lots and lots of fun. Despite the game being so short, Bloodborne is exactly the shot in the arm the PlayStation 4 need and another notch on FROMSOFTWARE's games that kick ass list.

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Feb 13, 2015

A throw back to the Golden Age of gaming, Castle in the Darkness is a fun, yet death filled adventure that should not be missed. If you loved another similar type of game, Shovel Knight, then you're going to be right at home with Castle in the Darkness! Hard as balls, indeed!

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All in all, Resident Evil HD Remaster is a fun romp back into the survival horror genre of years gone and thankfully a clear example of what can be done to an aged title if enough dedication and effort are put forward. This is the best version of Resident Evil to date despite the zooming issues or the camera angles, all of which you'll forget about as your fighting for dear life.​

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Nov 18, 2014

Bravo to both Upper One Games and E-Line Media for putting this gem out there, this is definitely a worthwhile and enjoyable title for all ages to enjoy as well as learn from. I truly hope that this title does well or at least meets their expectations I'd like to see more from these companies in the same vein as Never Alone.

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Oct 29, 2014

Appealingly chaotic. It's the first phrase that comes to mind when describing Insomniac Studios' Sunset Overdrive.

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Oct 28, 2014

All in all, I have and still am enjoying my time with Lords of the Fallen and it's a game that takes elements that made other games fun and popular while adding it's own charm and twists to it. Admittedly the AI of the enemies is odd at times and the boss battles are a bit on the easy side especially for those are well versed with the Soul series, but will still give newcomers a run for their money. For those who enjoyed the Soul series or even other action RPG's such as Dark Siders 1& 2, I highly recommend Lords of the Fallen, even if it only serves to be a filler for what many are calling the main course and you PlayStation 4 gamers know exactly what I'm referring to.

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Oct 25, 2014

I fondly remember playing NBA Live 2005. The addition of the All-Star Weekend Dunk Contest was the hype. The gameplay felt smooth. It was quite intuitive and not overly complicated. What does any of this have to do with NBA Live 15? Let's just say that the reintroduction of NBA Live might have been a mistake on EA's part.

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Oct 16, 2014

The Creative Assembly team have done what no other development house has been able to do in quite some time if not ever. They've managed to create a suspenseful title around the helplessness of being stranded on a derelict station with little to no help and no official training what so ever. Normally those ingredients would seem like a recipe for a slaughter but Ripley is a tough gal and she manages to hang on to dear life, regardless of what's thrown at her. And no don't bring up my other favorite sci-fi title, Dead Space. Isaac Clark had it easy compared to Ripley.

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Oct 15, 2014

Fans of the original Resident Evil will be happy to know that while The Evil Within does have a few kinks the game is as fresh as Resident Evil was all those years ago. Shinji Mikami has proven that he can still weave a captivating story and flesh out an interesting protagonist who just about everyone can relate to.

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Oct 13, 2014

This title cries "let's play" and would be right at home on a console, regardless if it's a past-generation or current generation title. That said, Arrowhead has gone on record and stated that there are no plans to bring this title to the consoles, a real shame. That said you can't go wrong with Gauntlet and while it is a bit short, it is a fun game especially when you're playing with others. The title is solid and I highly recommend it and a few friends to slash the night away.

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Blizzard has made several key changes to the Diablo 3 world with the addition of Adventure mode, the changes introduced with Loot 2.0, the removal of the Real Money Auction House and introducing the Crusader class (which is tons of fun if you like tanky classes). These changes have actually made the game fun again and it shows. Adventure mode allow will bring hours upon hours of play time and it's only going to get better. The key goal was to extend the life of the original Diablo 3 and based on what I've played it definitely seems like Blizzard succeeded with Reaper of Souls expansion. The key goal was to extend the life of the original Diablo 3 and based on what I've played it definitely seems like Blizzard succeeded with Reaper of Souls expansion. However, the made changes made can be a little overwhelming at times. It's left up to the player if that ultimately ends up being a good or bad thing

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