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Total War: Warhammer is definitely impressive for a casual like me, and I definitely plan to spend more time with this game during the summer lull so I can learn the other factions and the Chaos order, which thankfully I wound up getting free during launch week but it sucks that it costs people if they didn't buy it early.
Battleborn is great, but it just isn't as inviting it could be – and the marketing has made it look more like a direct competitor for Blizzard's Overwatch, despite being considerably different. It's a shame more people aren't getting onto the Battleborn bandwagon because while it isn't a smooth as Overwatch it's far more complete and feels like a full game instead of paying to continue playing a demo.
Overwatch is easily one of the best shooters that's been released platform wide in years and it's worth being in your library
No mistakes about it, Severed is the first must own PS Vita title that’s come out in quite some time and if you’re a fan of Drinkbox or simply a fan of fun at all, Severed absolutely deserves a place in your library.
Overall, The Banner Saga 2's story is simply fantastic and is filled with beautiful animation. This game needs to be seen and heard.
If you didn’t get to play Valkyria Chronicles when the game released back in the PS3 days, picking this up is a decent investment for $29.99. It’s not a game for everyone, however, and watching most of it online on Twitch or Youtube will ruin a lot of the overall experience. I really did like the game, though, and I am pretty sure that if you are looking for a great RPG experience on the cheap, this is the one for you.
Dark Souls 3 is a great game, but it's a game that takes a few steps back to be accommodating for players that are still not acclimated to the series.
Quantum Break is definitely a game worth playing, even though it's flawed. It's got some great music (Royal Blood's Ten Tonne Skeleton was a nice surprise) and some fairly good character interactions – along with a great TV show to boot. It's just unfortunate that it feels pieced together for no reason other than to get people to watch the TV show instead of feeling like a solid game with a great bonus.
To sum it up, the "Enhanced Edition" content lets you add some filters, improves some animations and makes the zombies more dangerous. This is all before adding in some devastating new weaponry.
I'd be lying if I said that there wasn't anything left for me to do within the game, and I'm sure that statement will stand for quite awhile as well. A good game and an even better experience.
If you were looking for some sort of evolution to the music game genre, surprisingly Activision hit the nail square on the head. Not only is Guitar Hero Live a fun product to play, but it is also an enjoyable game to watch with its live performances and music videos. Rock Band 4 was hesitant to change, while I can't wait to see the future of Guitar Hero now!
Minecraft Story Mode really appears to be something marketed to younger players that love Minecraft, as there are things like conventions and little jokes for anyone that has sat in front of a crafting table before. I found the first episode amusing, but my son saw it as one of his favorite games given a new breath of life with a real story and characters within the world itself.
That's the thing with I am Bread. It's a game for video game masochists. It's fun in small 15 minute spurts, which it can mostly be played in, but really feels to captivate for any sort of time after that. Fortunately, that brief amount of time can be spent playing with the baguette and smashing your problems away.
Rock Band 4 seems like it was rushed to get out to the public. They had an opportunity to make a triumphant return with awesome music but opted to have you turn around and purchase all the "great DLC" that they made available the day the game came out. Thanks, but no thanks, Harmonix.
With masterful story writing, epic music, awesome gameplay and enjoyable puzzles, you organically move through the game until you reach the finale you earned. Undertale looks cheap and simple at a cursory glance but in the end turns out to be one of the most detailed games I've played in my entire life.
I could sit here and gush about how fun it is to search for all the little secrets and how big the maps actually are. I could explain that the game really opens up as you become more experienced and using new tips and tricks will make things happen much faster. This review could easily be 3000 words long and I'd still have things to say about this game, like the gratuitous customization options available .
Rare Replay sets the stage for what should be expected from a retro game collection and I absolutely see myself playing this game until I amass that 10,000 Gamerscore that can be earned.