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GTA V was another solid entry into the Grand Theft Auto series, I enjoyed the variety of single player story missions, the tons of side missions to do as well as all the returning features from San Andreas that got left out of GTA IV. There were some problems for me like textures completely disappearing quite a few times throughout the game which kind of takes you out of that amazing experience and then I also had issues with the police system in the game, it got annoying when you'd have a fight or shoot someone in the middle of nowhere and your wanted level would automatically go up but other than that I really enjoyed everything else. Pick up this great game right now, and also check back for the GTA Online review next month (Here's a list of Online features confirmed so far to get you excited)
When I finished the game I can happily say I was satisfied with the story and liked how different endings are depending on choices, the game ended up taking me around 10 hours to complete which isn't that long but again I was satisfied with what I got in the end. I also thought the voice and graphics were of high quality. I did have a few problems with the game but I still think that Beyond is worth trying maybe when it drops down in price or give it a rental.
I personally thought that this the worst Call Of Duty since it's popularity explosion with Call Of Duty 4. Although I feel "worst" is a harsh word to use because the game isn't horrible, the multiplayer will still be loved by many, many fans because it doesn't change how addictive it can be for players but fans looking for a real change may have to wait a little while longer.
Altogether Dead Rising 3 could be the best one [in the series] yet. If you have an Xbox One then get this game if you haven't already.
Assassin's Creed IV breaks the streak of disappointing Assassin's Creed games for me personally.
The first episode of The Walking Dead Season 2 shows that this Season will keep up the quality of Season 1, at the end of the episode there will be a preview for Episode 2 and there is a massive cliffhanger that will cause much discussion by fans of the series. To sum it up, solid episode and I can't wait for Episode 2.
The DLC is only 60 minutes long, and for the price you are paying it's just not worth it yet. When the DLC comes down to a much more reasonable price then sure get it for more DR3 fun. If you like collecting and doing other activities then you might be able to squeak 2 hours out of this content. The DLC was a let down because it had so much potential, it was lacking in psycho bosses which in my opinion is one of the best features of Dead Rising games. Lets hope the other 3 episodes are much better but at this current time I have very low expectations.
There aren't too many negatives with South Park: The Stick Of Truth but it does have them like the framerate drops and bugs. The game deserves a lot of credit for sticking to a true style of South Park which fans of the show will truly appreciate. The Stick Of Truth also has a surprising amount of customization features, entertaining side missions and enough funny moments to make this a 100% purchase.
This is probably one of the best episodes of The Walking Dead so far. Pretty much everything was done right in this episode, the character building, the tough choices, the impact of choices, the remarkable scenes featuring Carver and the tense action scenes. There are some technical issues that don't seem to impact the overall enjoyment of the game. What are you waiting for? Play this episode now.
Thief is an okay game that has been dragged down by its major problems. I thought stealth was done very well in the game, and that the choice of how you want to play allows players to come back and try again which adds replay value, and replay value is a very important part of a game that I look for when I review a game. I just couldn't get in to this story at all, and I really did try too. I also felt Garrett was an extremely forgettable and dull main character. Thief is a game that had potential, and had moments that really impressed me but due to its negatives it will never reach its true potential.
Titanfall is a very good FPS game that has its flaws, but has mostly positives. The gameplay is excellent first of all, and most importantly, fun. I don't think I'll ever get bored off running across buildings while huge robots are coming to kill me. Titanfall's additions to the online FPS genre have also helped give Titanfall its own identity, and shouldn't be known as "that game that's like Call Of Duty." Epilouge segments although are a small addition, adds a level of panic to the player who is rushing to get to the evacuation point before they leave. The segment also gives players bragging rights as they can claim the enemy team was unable to kill me in the end. I just hope with Titanfall 2 the flaws are fixed because Titanfall is a little gem just waiting to be a golden nugget which I think can be done with some important fixes.
I felt like this was one of the weaker LEGO titles to have been released. A lot of the time I was thinking "If you've played one or two LEGO games then you have pretty much played them all." The game is still good, and can be very fun, but the lack of change became much more noticeable this time round. Would I recommend this game? Maybe at a later date when the rumored DLC for the 3rd movie comes out or a "complete edition" is released next year.
Bound By Flame defiantly has potential to work, but due to having so many problems the game ends up not reaching that full potential… well it doesn't really come close at all. The crafting system and level up system showed the game had promise as well as something going for it, but once you get deep into the game you start to learn what went wrong. There is still some fun to be had in this game, so if you are a fan of RPG's maybe wait until the price comes down to try this game as I can't recommend a full retail purchase unfortunately.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was a drop in quality compared to the first one which I gave an 8/10. Almost everything that was good in the original like a decent storyline that is paced well, graphics, and other things are non existent in this game. I did like how the web swinging has been improved, and it was a blast just to swing around the city. Hopefully the problems are fixed for the 3rd game, and maybe we might get something close to Spider-man 2.
Watch Dogs was a decent first attempt in what I guess will become a series of games due to the new IP record breaking sales for Ubisoft. I would like to see a second game that fixes some of the games biggest and also small issues. Watch Dogs does many things right though like the hacking being a stand out feature in the game due to its endless amount of fun moments that can come from it, and also have gameplay is effected due to hacking elements. To sum it up Watch Dogs gets a majority of it right, but some big fixes are needed in Watch Dogs 2 to make it the game we all expected in 2012.
Murdered Soul Suspect was something different than most of the games I've played this year, so I have to give credit for that. It's just a shame that the overall game wasn't executed well. The can't fail investigations, followed by the forced demon fights that get repetitive not long after the first confrontation, and other issues brought down the overall quality in the game. I still recommend giving this game a try one day due to it's surprisingly good story.
Sniper Elite 3 isn't a game I can really recommend unless you are a big fan of stealth/sniper gameplay. The campaign is one of the biggest problems I have with the game due to the overall dullness of the whole campaign like the repetitive missions and boring story. The overall gameplay of Sniper Elite 3 isn't that bad and there can be some good moments in the game, but overall I would either give this game a miss or wait until a price drop.
Overall I enjoyed Metro 2033, and after watching some videos on Youtube of the old version of Metro 2033 I could really start to appreciate the changes that have been made to the Redux version. I couldn't wait to try Metro Last Light which I will talk about next.
Overall I enjoyed Crimes And Punishments as it managed to include many of the important features a detective game should have. Being able to punish the wrong people, and getting cases wrong is something that should be in all detective/crime games, but surprisingly most a very linear in that regard. The gameplay also features a nice variety of activities so it doesn't become too repetitive. If you are a fan of nonstop action games then give this game a miss, but if you like a slower paced game were you have to think and explore then this is the perfect game for you.
FIFA 15 is another fantastic entry in the FIFA series. EA Sports managed to capture the presentation of a real life football match very well, and added with the already solid gameplay makes for an overall solid football game. Like all FIFA games there are plenty of things to do to keep you busy with FUT as usual getting the most time out of all the modes. While there are some negatives to the game, the positives highly outweigh them making this a game I must recommend to all football fans out there.