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All in all, Destroy All Humans marks yet another great remake from the THQ Nordic team. It balances the line between keeping faithful to the original whilst sprucing it up enough to pass as a modern game. Some elements remain outdated but for some dumb, b-humour fun and wreaking havoc, you can’t Destory All Humans.
Play a few battles, shout at the game and then play a load more! Rinse and Repeat.
Overall, The Handsome Collection combines 2 of the best shooters from the last gen with touched up graphics and framerate and all DLC's for an extremely reasonable price! If you have played the game before, then you shouldn't need me to tell you how great this game is and how replayable it is, but if that's not enough there's also that sparkly graphical upgrade and enhanced framerated. If your a new Vault Hunter, this is the best place to start. I envy you if you haven't had your first experience of a Borderlands game yet! So grab some buddies, and let the mayhem ensue!
As a fan of the previous Dead Rising games that released before Dead Rising 4, I hope this is it for the series. Dead Rising 4 and this DLC has done the damage, and it's sad to see a once great series turn to everything Dead Rising isn't along with ripping off the loyal fans of the series with DLC like this. To all other developers and publishers, in future, please don't make your true ending's a paid DLC. This might be the worst DLC I've ever played.
I really can’t say enough about how disappointed I was with my time playing DayZ.
Eastasiasoft has a lot of games that are worth your time but Neko Secret Room is not one of them. There is nothing much to do here at all other than match some picture pieces together and even after doing that you are left with the feeling of “why did I just spend my time doing that?” Pass on this one and go find one of the many other games in this publisher’s catalog to play instead.
Bounty Battle is a game that I was very excited which is why I’m that much more saddened to give it the bad score that I am. A game that brought together so many fantastic indie game characters to fight it out has no business being as rough as this is. The characters all feel the same, the stages are too basic, and the technical issues ruin the rest. If this game gets patched to run better it would still only be an average brawler but for now you should avoid this battle.
I had hopes for RollerCoaster Tycoon Joyride but they sadly crashed and burned when I got to see what it had to offer. Designing the tracks can be irritating due to a wonky camera, riding the tracks isn’t that thrilling do to lack of speed, and I still wonder why there is a first-person shooter in this.
One Eyed Kutkh is incredibly short and an experience worth forgetting.
I would only recommend this game to people who are either big fans of the Tour de France game series, or big cycling fans, otherwise you would probably be wasting your money.
In the end, Orbit's use of gravity is an interesting and cool idea, but it is let down by the mediocrity present in the rest of the game. You are much better served spending your money on a game that will allow you multiple ways to play rather than on Orbit and the baffling decision to leave out single player or online multiplayer. These omissions will likely lead to many gamers purchasing this game for the concept, and then rarely (if ever) starting it up again.
As I said previously, Risen 3 is the worst game I've played of 2015 so far. There is just so many problems with this game. There's the technical issues that will never be fixed and the boring and terrible combat system both being the biggest offenders of Risen 3's problems. I just can't recommend this game to anyone unless you really want to play a game with a pirate theme, and if that's the case wait until it's really cheap.
Now, this being a twin-stick shooter, Crimsonland's other failings could have been overlooked if the gameplay was fantastic. However, the gameplay is pretty basic as far as this genre goes, and it rarely elevates itself past mediocre.
Casual Challenge Players’ Club is a pretty weak choice for those who are looking to play some pool. It lacks most things that a pool player would be looking for in a game and the lag in the controls will likely frustrate even casual players. This is one for the trophy hunters who are just looking for another easy completion.
Arsonist Heaven fails in executing its ideas and because of that you should probably skip this retro platformer. Taking cheap hits in games is one of the most un-fun things to me and it happens a lot here. Not only that but making it so that your ammo and jetpack fuel runs out too quick leads to even more frustration. If you’re in it for some easy trophies you might be able to get them all before getting fed up with the game but if you have no interest in that then you can safely look past this one.
Destroy All Humans! Clone Carnage seemed like a good idea on paper but the execution just didn’t go well at all. The game is struggling to find an online audience and it doesn’t have much meat on its bones either to keep people around. I really think this should’ve either been released as a free-to-play game or bundled with the new game coming out soon (although it is free if you pre-order it). I loved the first remake and am looking forward to the remake of the second game but Clone Carnage simply isn’t worth your time while we wait for Reprobed to get here.
Adios spins an interesting tale about saying your goodbyes, but it’s hampered by a ton of technical issues that pull the player away from any possible immersion. It’s a careful recommended play, despite its current low score, provided that the bugs get fixed down the line.
Lunch A Palooza had potential but overall, I felt like it came out a bit undercooked. There isn’t a lot of content here for a $20 game and with no online functionality it will only be for those who have local players. The poor physics and hit detection also make the gameplay hard to enjoy despite the charming visuals and soundtrack. With a bit more time this could’ve been an appetizing meal but as it stands this is one option on the menu you should skip.
If you played a Doodle God game before and wanted to ability to play it on your big screen then you may enjoy this but I don’t feel like it suits this type of game. This is also available on the Switch and with It looking like a mobile game still and the gameplay being suited to quick play sessions it might be best to purchase it there for the best experience. Doodle God: Evolution hasn’t evolved from the original all these years later and because of that it isn’t suited to be on consoles.
There are far better JRPGs out there to play than this so avoid it unless you can find it on a deep, deep sale.