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All things considered, should you buy the Definitive Edition and play through it again if you already had the original version? Considering there are extra areas that have been added and the game has gotten easier (or harder if you choose to) + you can now traverse it more easily; I can wholeheartedly recommend it. I doubt many people will feel satisfied by one playthrough either way so this is the best possible method to experience it again. For players who are new to the game: It's no longer possible to buy the old version but it'll be included for free when you buy the Definitive Edition.
Though I enjoyed the first 3 Nate games, A Thief's End is definitely a way to put an end to the legend of Nathan Drake. If I had to pick one Nathan Drake game this would be the game that I would tell others to play.
When I was around 20-30 hours into Persona 5 I thought it was a fantastic game. By the 100 hour mark and upon finishing my first playthrough I realized this is a truly exceptional game.
There really isn’t anything wrong at all with Severed. It is one of the best Vita games on the system and I can’t recommend it enough. Drinkbox took a big risk releasing this game on on the Vita but it takes full advantage and is probably the best use of the touchscreen to date. The combat is so satisfying, the world so beautiful and fun to explore, and the music and sound effects so great to listen to. I loved every second I spent severing all of those monsters limbs off and making Sasha stronger with them. I hope to see more of Severed in the future and if you own a PlayStation Vita this is a must buy.
Horizon: Zero Dawn is a testament to the hard work and passion of every individual at Guerrilla Games.
I'm just going to say it right now, Mario Kart 8: Deluxe is a 10/10 game. Does it have its issues? Of course but I don't believe any game is issue free but if a game can keep you entertained for this long, and will continue to do so for many more years to come then it's a 10/10 game in my opinion. If you have never played Mario Kart 8 before then please go out and buy a Switch if you don't own one already, and enjoy playing one of the best games of the last decade.
Giant Sparrow had me worried about What Remains of Edith Finch with how quiet the game was for several years but I see now they were just working on nailing every little inch of this game. The story of Edith and her family is going to be one I remember for a long time. The characters, house, music, voice acting, and narrative all came together beautifully and I encourage anyone that is a fan of story games to play this game and do it knowing as little as possible.
Bluepoint deserves huge props for staying true to this masterpiece while also updating just enough to help make the game more accessible for a new generation.
God of War is a truly special game and one that will last in my memory for a very long time.
Everything in Devil May Cry 5 is ridiculous in the best way possible. The action and combat system are ridiculously deep. The graphics and music are ridiculously good and the story and fan service is ridiculous as well.
Yes, Resident Evil 2 Remake is stacked with content, and so highly replayable that I completed both Leon and Claire’s 1st/2nd runs along with 2 other playthroughs because this game is that good! I’ll be shocked if this game DOESN’T end up as my Game Of The Year 2019.
It’s a beautiful marriage of visuals, audio, and gameplay the likes of which is rare and easily one of the best games of 2018. You absolutely should experience the Tetris Effect.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a love-letter to the source material. It does a much better job at telling the gripping story and makes you truly feel for the inhabitants of Midgar. Lay to rest any worries you may have had over its length as well, as this first “episode” will provide you with a full game’s worth of content.
It takes some chances with the story and some of those things might anger some people out there. They did me when they first happened but the game fully explains why they made the choices they did and by the end I saw and felt what they were going for. Naughty Dog closed out the PlayStation 3 generation with a must play title and with The Last of Us Part II they’ve once again done the same thing for the PlayStation 4.
Three years ago Persona 5 sunk its hooks into me and kept me playing for well over 100 hours until I rolled credits. Now three years later Persona 5 Royal has done it to me again. While much of the experience was the same Persona 5 game I had already played some nice new changes made it better in ways I didn’t know I wanted. Not only that but the new content such as Kasumi, the new palace, and new places such as the Thieves Den and new area of Tokyo made it all worth it.
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition adds even more style to what was already an amazing action game. Not everyone may feel inclined to pay for this again especially since Vergil is coming to the older versions as paid DLC. As a huge Devil May Cry fan though I’m very happy with it as the upgrades to the visuals, performance, load times, and additional modes alongside Vergil made me fall in love with this game all over again.
Astro’s Playroom is the perfect game to play first to kick off the PlayStation 5 generation. It’s a fluid and fun 3D platformer sure, but it being built around showing off what the DualSense controller can add to gaming Is what really starts to make it special. Add in all of the PlayStation love letters scattered about inside these worlds and you have another magical, must-play experience from Team Asobi. I wish Astro’s latest adventure lasted longer but I have no doubt that we’ll be seeing more of the new PlayStation mascot in the future.
Bluepoint Games and Japan Studio have outdone themselves yet again with the remake of Demon’s Souls on PlayStation 5. The teams have stayed faithful to the core of the original game while making massive upgrades to the technical side to show off what the new console can do. Some nice quality-of-life upgrades have also made the game more enjoyable but no less challenging. Demon’s Souls is the best showpiece of what PlayStation 5 can do right now and if you’re a fan of the “souls” genre then this is the perfect way to experience the game that pretty much started it all.
Horizon Forbidden West takes mostly everything that the first game did so well and improves on it to make it one of the early must-have titles for the PlayStation 5. The story is once again full of unexpected and emotional moments and the characters throughout are memorable. The gameplay has seen many improvements to make exploring this gorgeous world and fighting the dozens of different machines fun and exciting. Add those things with the top-notch visuals, soundtrack and performances and you have what is sure to be a Game of the Year contender come the end of 2022.
GTA V was another solid entry into the Grand Theft Auto series, I enjoyed the variety of single player story missions, the tons of side missions to do as well as all the returning features from San Andreas that got left out of GTA IV. There were some problems for me like textures completely disappearing quite a few times throughout the game which kind of takes you out of that amazing experience and then I also had issues with the police system in the game, it got annoying when you'd have a fight or shoot someone in the middle of nowhere and your wanted level would automatically go up but other than that I really enjoyed everything else. Pick up this great game right now, and also check back for the GTA Online review next month (Here's a list of Online features confirmed so far to get you excited)