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428 games reviewed
75.5 average score
80 median score
61.9% of games recommended

SelectButton's Reviews

After playing the first episode for Tales from the Borderlands, I feel more excited and anxious for the next episode to hit than their other games. It's almost scary how well the Borderlands franchise translated into the style of game Telltale is well-known for.

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Dec 2, 2014

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions is a worthy successor and a natural evolution of the series. Lucid Game has included the best parts of the previous games and blended them together into a single game bursting with content.

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Dec 9, 2014

Dragon Age: Inquisition is perhaps one of the best RPGs I have ever played. It combines a number of excellent elements and stuffs them into a huge game. It's got a little something for everyone and enough meat to the game that it'll keep them going. Fans of the series will not be disappointed and those wanting to jump in will be awed.

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Dec 15, 2014

Many have complained about the number of glitches within Assassin's Creed: Unity, and while I have experienced some myself, the game is still playable and fun at that. It's got a solid core and I've enjoyed the story, but I feel like Ubisoft completely dropped the ball with some aspects. The connectivity they've forced upon players is just a major drag on the game and I feel cheated that because of their broken systems, I am unable to participate in every piece of Unity. If you can get past that, however, you'll certainly enjoy the game.

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Dec 16, 2014

As it was in the original release of Destiny, The Dark Below features timed exclusives that can only be found on PlayStation consoles (until Fall 2015). The Undying Mind strike takes players further into The Black Garden to face a timeless Vex Hydra. The strike is a tad on the lengthy side and features multiple spots where you face incoming waves of Vex. The final showdown against the Undying Mind (the third Hydra boss in the game) features three force fields. The 4th Horseman, an exotic shotgun, is the other PlayStation exclusive. This four barreled shotgun can quickly eat away at foes, if you are lucky enough to have it drop.

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Jan 1, 2015

Elegy for a Dead World will not be for everyone, and that is understandable. Coming from my English-centric background, I found it fascinating and reminiscent of some of the workshops and classes I've taken over my education. Being able to take a prompt and run with it as I saw fit is an excellent mental challenge and I can easily see this game being useful in classroom situations. While it may not find a place in the big leagues, Elegy fits within a niche group that will certainly be diehard fans.

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Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are solid additions to an already beloved franchise, and can be enjoyed by both longtime fans and newcomers alike. I do wish it had been slightly more challenging, however, as I often found myself over-leveled and smashing through gyms. Though the post-game content makes up for that by offering a wealth of activities to keep you interested. Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire has a little bit of something to offer everyone.

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Jan 14, 2015

Elite: Dangerous has core mechanics that work well within the online multiplayer universe, but has many single-player components built-in. Missions tend to get repetitive, but I have yet to exhaust myself exploring a new system or planet. The universe can feel quite empty, even if you are playing with the open-world options. Frontier promises to expand the game with content updates, and if you were looking for a new paint job, they are available for purchase. You'll be sure to experience a new "wow" factor every time you play.

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Jan 20, 2015

Citizens of Earth is an enjoyable charming retro-inspired RPG with clear inspiration from the SNES classic EarthBound. There are occasional pacing issues, as certain areas seem to be padded with additional areas and enemies. The writing hits the mark throughout, making jokes about the political system and the occasional pop culture reference.

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9 / 10 - Grey Goo
Jan 23, 2015

Grey Goo is a crowning achievement to the RTS genre, and a must-have for fans of strategy games. The narrative is excellent with stunning cinematics, and the gameplay either online or offline is certainly worth your time. This is a wonderful step back into the glory days of RTS games for myself, and for those wanting to try it for the first time, it will not disappoint.

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8 / 10 - Dying Light
Feb 3, 2015

Although the similarities are easy to see, Dying Light is set in a darker, grittier, and more realistic world than the bright and colorful island from Dead Island. Combat lacks limb interaction, but still allows you swipe legs with baseball bats or cave skulls in with heavy items. The game peaks when you are playing with a few friends, either completing missions, challenges or just roaming to uncover all the secrets of Harran. The mission structure leaves a lot to be desired, but throwing additional players into the mix keeps the game from feeling like a chore.

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6 / 10 - Tengami
Feb 7, 2015

Tengami's visuals and soundtrack are really well done, but overall it was lacking in substance. I would have liked to see more perplexing puzzles and a developed narrative. That being said, I still enjoyed the ethereal atmosphere and spent most of my time admiring the world around me. Thanks to the short playtime, I didn't end up as frustrated as I could have been. You may want to try out Tengami purely for the art and music, which is what it's really all about.

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8 / 10 - Harold
Feb 12, 2015

The sheer amount of things that can be done in Harold is astounding. I never thought an endless runner game could become as complex as the game Mood Spider has created, and yet I've found myself drawn to the challenge. Even after acing the practice segments, adding in the additional racers creates a new dynamic. Less hand holding and full on old-school experience, Harold's gameplay is only surpassed by the top-notch animation and vibrant visuals.

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8 / 10 - The Escapists
Feb 17, 2015

You're enjoyment while planning the big escape in The Escapists depends on how much you enjoy building out your own fun in a sandbox prison environment. Watching a plan unfold is undoubtedly satisfying, but putting the plan in motion can be tedious. According to the developers, the game will eventually allow gamers to create and share their own prisons, given you a reason to keep the game installed long after you've escaped the included eight prisons.

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Feb 25, 2015

The Order: 1886 will embrace you in a unmatched cinematic experience and the shooting mechanics are solid. The overall short time you are actually "playing" the game is a major disappointment. There are no advancement options for weapons and the only collectibles in the game are audio logs, photographs and newspapers. There are trophies for finding them all, but no indicator of which items you may have missed. Let me be clear: I did enjoy my time spent with the title, but with no clear reason to trek through the adventure multiple times, combined with the fact it can be beaten in a single afternoon, The Order: 1886 is a rental at best.

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Feb 25, 2015

As challenging and frustrating I found some of the stages in Aaru's Awakening, I felt a sense of accomplishment seeing my name listed on the top ten. Bosses slow down the relatively fast-paced stages, too slow for my likening, but still provide a unique take on platforming encounters.

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10 / 10 - Helldivers
Mar 3, 2015

Being available across all three of the PlayStation platforms, Helldivers allows anyone to play together regardless of platform. The content of the game is the same regardless if you are playing the console or Vita version, with the visuals being the key difference. The Vita version features lower resolution environmental and character model textures, horrendous aliasing, and is missing many of the small details that are in the console versions.

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Mar 10, 2015

Total War: Attila is a fantastic game and a must-have for fans of the franchise. The army management and battlefields are still the best piece, but I felt like the clan and empire management aspect has dragged the gameplay down a little compared to earlier titles. A major bonus is the cooperative gameplay has seemingly been fixed. I'm still working on verifying this fully, but previous titles since Shogun 2 has a desynchronization issue with cooperative campaigns, but it seems to have been fixed between Rome II and Attila.

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Mar 11, 2015

It has been over 15 years since the original Homeworld was released, and within that time many games have attempted to build upon the success without much aplomb. Homeworld Remastered Collection stands the testament of time allowing a new audience to experience what began over 15 years ago, and had every gamer looking into the night sky.

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8 / 10 - Hand of Fate
Mar 18, 2015

Hand of Fate is an entertaining adventure that will impress tabletop fans and action RPG fans alike. The combat is solid, although a bit on the simple side, but the game provides a deeper challenge about halfway through the game. Earning tokens even when you lose helps with progression and every new card you gain can mean the difference.

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