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All in all then, there’s really not much to criticise here at all, apart from the aforementioned fourth wall breaking, and this is a testament to the care and attention to detail that has gone into Thimbleweed Park. The story will hook you in and keep you playing, some of the puzzles will have you banging your head on the wall (or sneaking onto Youtube for a look at the solution), and the animation and personality of the characters will have you really caring what happens to them.
All in all, Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom is a phenomenal game that deserves to be played and enjoyed by anyone who is a fan of RPG action games. If you’re a fan of Kingdom Hearts, this game might scratch a specific itch that you’ve found difficult to reach, and to those who are looking for something unique, Shiness is definitely the place to go.
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is an astonishingly beautiful game to both look at and play. Its story is as charming as ever and the gameplay doesn’t ever over-complicate itself. The large variety of stages have enough to keep things interesting, while the amount of creatures to play as, with their unique skills, and ability to change from modern to 8-bit graphics at the touch of a button is marvellous.
Overall, Late Shift does well to ensure any choices you make impact on the story, either immediately or later on. The technical issues really hold it back though, and despite not being game-breaking, it’s irritating to have such problems spread out from start to finish.
I’ve really enjoyed my time with this very unique game. Yes there are pacing issues and it does outlive its welcome once we get about two thirds in, but for the price, there is a lot of game on display here.
Overall, LEGO CITY Undercover manages to create a charming and humorous experience for all the family, with a definite old school cop show vibe in style, writing and soundtrack. It provides childish jokes and slapstick style to bring on the laughter, as well as cheeky parodies which are easily recognisable.
With just enough replayability to suit all, a delightful visual representation, a soundtrack which delivers the goods and some very clever, funny, ideas in place, Frima have nearly brought the house down with Talent Not Included. Yes there are the odd issues, but nothing that is anywhere near game-breaking, and even the occasional unexpected ramping up in difficulty will see you and a friend having a great time.
Overall and it’s fair to criticise Capcom for not including the extra content into the main game, especially with it being available just a few days later, but the content on offer is certainly enough to have me feeling happy with my Season Pass.
Whilst the videos included in Vol.2 once more offer decent content, they don’t quite compare to the first content drop in the Banned Footage Vol.1 DLC. It’s also worth noting that even though both DLCs are available as part of the Season Pass, those buying them separately will find a £4 price increase for this one. Given the slightly lacking quality over the first Banned Footage Volume, that feels rather unjust.
Overall, Punch Club may not be the fighting experience we were expecting, but what’s missed on the fighting side is more than made up for by the exceptionally well worked management aspects of the game.
With enough fresh content to call back the interest of veteran players and a unique experience that should be welcomed by new players, Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition finally gets the opportunity to really shine.
Strap on some cans, turn the volume up to 11, and you’ll quickly find out how much satisfaction can be found with the visual and audio masterpiece that Aaero is.
Ultimately, Karak Azgaraz is a strong DLC offering, adding to a great combat experience, it’s just such a shame that there are so few players online to play with.
Four Sided Fantasy is a brilliantly complex puzzle game. Now this might not be the game for everyone and a few will give up after the first hurdle, but that would be a shame because it has so much more to offer. The design, sound and concept are original and unique, whilst the price is perfect and makes it well worth a punt.
Yooka-Laylee has done what everyone, developers and players, had hoped it to do and brought the 3D platformer kicking and screaming into gaming mainstream again, spearheading the revival.
Look, you will know whether this is the kind of game you might like by looking at the trailer or screenshots, but it’s a game about character, story and atmosphere, rather then high action.
If Blue-Collar Astronaut allowed for a bit more in the customization stakes or just provided more diversity, then things would feel much more worthwhile. But hey, to its credit, I did get to experience an astronomical amount of debt to pay off.
From my first hands on with Snake Pass, I had the feeling that Sumo Digital were onto something special, and that most definitely turns out to be the case…as long as you are prepared to think like a snake.
If you want a game with a solid platforming base and a lot of challenging gameplay, pick up an axe and enter the village of SkyKeeper.
All in all, the scope and fun of the game shines through, and if you give it a chance, Andromeda will reward you with an enormous amount of satisfaction.