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506 games reviewed
72.9 average score
80 median score
71.9% of games recommended

TheXboxHub's Reviews

- N++
Oct 10, 2017

Everything considered, N++ is an absolute gem. Anyone who wants a platformer should buy this game.

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May 20, 2017

Enter The Gungeon is nigh-on perfect. The hits are fine, the gunplay is wonderful, the animation and designs are fantastic, and it really needs to be picked up and played by anybody who isn’t looking for something really casual.

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Oct 8, 2017

It is platforming greatness at its very best, and proves just what can be achieved when the necessary time is put into fine tuning a game before release.

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The changes have been a long time coming, but the final result may well have given us one of the best horror titles we are likely to see this year…finally bringing the horror back to Resident Evil.

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Overall and Shantae: Half-Genie Hero has all the qualities to become of gaming’s best platformers. With its enjoyable gameplay and classic characters, as well as a fantastic story and exceptional soundtrack, this is no doubt a must play title for anyone who enjoys the platforming genre.

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Mar 16, 2017

NeuroVoider is a wonderful game to play either by yourself, or with three of your friends in the local co-op system. It will quite easily scratch the itch of both casual gamers and the more hardcore ones with equal coverage, especially if you hit up some of the daily runs.

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Feb 14, 2017

Overall, and while many will look to Sniper Elite 4 for the solo experience, anyone who has played previous titles will know that the multiplayer offerings are exceptionally enjoyable and Sniper Elite 4 takes this to the next level. Those playing as a team, with communication, will find it truly enjoyable, but that’s not to say those going it alone will be left disappointed. They won’t, for Sniper Elite 4 excels in many ways.

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It’s pretty much a nailed on cert that any past, present or future Forza Horizon 3 player will want to take to Blizzard Mountain as a matter of priority. That’s because the sheer thrill of racing wheel-to-wheel with some of the world’s best drivers, in the dark, with a full-on blizzard hitting you in the face, is just too much to ever turn down. Just remember to bring the snow tyres.

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Apr 3, 2017

Yooka-Laylee has done what everyone, developers and players, had hoped it to do and brought the 3D platformer kicking and screaming into gaming mainstream again, spearheading the revival.

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May 29, 2017

It’s safe to say I’m having a blast on Injustice 2, trying out a myriad of characters to level them up and put them in some shiny new gear. The customisation side is sheer brilliance, even if you aren’t overly bothered about stats, a change in attires is always welcome and there are a ton of items to collect.

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Jan 12, 2017

Puzzles. Platforms. One hell of a bullet storm. What on earth could go wrong? Well thankfully with the unbelievably delightful Rise & Shine, not a lot. In fact, it’s very very good. But it’s also very very hard and will no doubt frustrate those whose skill levels aren’t quite up to par.

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My time with What Remains of Edith Finch was perfect and I want to run through it all over again tomorrow. Why don’t you join me?

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Sep 19, 2017

Better writing, a story (and a good one at that) and a series of vast new worlds to explore make Destiny 2 a must play for anyone who like aliens, guns and shooting aliens with guns.

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So, Middle-earth: Shadow of War has taken the addictive nature of Shadow of Mordor, thrown in various new beasts, creatures and Orc types to enhance the experience and made sure there’s a shed load of stuff to do across the massive regions within. Having spent many hours already slaying and recruiting, I can assure you that it’s a real joy to be back in Middle-earth.

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Jun 1, 2017

It is really a fresh take on an overdone genre, and is certainly a masterpiece in what can be achieved if you are prepared to think outside the box.

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Jul 24, 2017

There really isn’t much to dislike about the wonderful world of Aven Prime, so if you are in need of a new city sim, then there will quite possibly be nothing better than heading to Aven Colony for a brand new space travelling adventure

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Aug 21, 2017

So yes, it seems that we have finally got it – the one true to life Formula One racing experience we have been begging for in recent years.

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The graphics are truly fantastic, the audio is quite high in quality, and the gameplay is fun for those that like racing down a hill, dodging/smashing your way through obstacles

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Feb 9, 2018

Make no mistake, Monster Hunter World is one of the best games on the Xbox One and, with the promise of free updates, will remain one of the most played games of 2018.

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Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a throwback to classic JRPGs, but in many ways an improvement. It’s like Aliens compared to Alien; all the aspects that made the original great have been polished up, tweaked and turned up to 11 to deliver something that is arguably even better than the inspiration.

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