3DNews's Reviews
A great arcade racing game. Unfortunately, it's not better than Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, despite some original ideas.
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The best Avalanche Studios game so far, but still a mediocre experience.
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Rise of Industry has an immense depth, elaborate mechanics and pretty graphics. But right now it looks like Dapper Penguin Studios made the game for themselves, not for the players: entry threshold is way too high, and there's many non-obvious elements in game mechanics. Right now Rise of Industry is not a bad game, but there's certainly a room for improvement.
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A Plague Tale: Innocence is one of the most memorable stories in videogames this year.
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It will brighten up a few evenings, but it is unlikely you will stay here for a long time.
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Tales of the Neon Sea could've been a great cyberpunk tale. But it's full of forgettable characters and pointless puzzles. And on top of that it doesn't even have an ending — you have to wait until fall. Maybe by that point it will become better, after a couple of big updates.
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Bioshock-ish walking simulator. You will remember its nice visuals and disappointing ending.
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Heaven's Vault is an unusual game about exploring ruins of ancient civilizations and learning their language. It's easily described as an 'archaeologist-linguist simulator', which has interesting plot, many nice dialogs and tons of moons to visit. Get ready for great and memorable adventure!
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If story mode is the only thing you are interested in, Mortal Kombat 11 won't disappoint. But when you'll start to look at what else is offered, you'll encounter a horrible grind, unbalanced Towers of Time and bland customization options.
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Despite all the bugs, the horrible optimization, the empty open world and the huge amount of fetch quests, Days Gone still is an enjoyable game. Not least thanks to all the great characters whose stories are interesting, even when they are asking you to find some flowers or to clear one more camp on another edge of the map..
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A great collection of three fantastic games. And all of them aged pretty well.
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A glaring (and boring) example of how you shouldn't finish a much loved and longtime series.
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Pointless, shallow and boring. It's really hard to point out what's good in with game.
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Sekiro has its problems and definitely lacks the dark mood of Dark Souls, but FromSoftware delivers another interesting game with an excellent combat mechanics.
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Baba Is You is an elegant puzzle game, and one of the best in years. Simple in visuals, but really, really deep from the gameplay perspective.
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This is what we expect from games as a service: huge amount of content (at launch day!), exciting endgame and a lot of quality-of-life changes which were never implemented by other competitors.
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Brilliant jazz improvisation in a game form. Fun, instinctive and harmonious.
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A nice and very fun throwback to the past which doesn't require you to find out what these alien rappers were doing if this is the first time you are seeing them.
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Long awaited 'true' sequel to the DMC series isn't about only Dante AGAIN. Nero as a playable character still feels like a step back for the series. As for V, he is just one of the worst characters in the genre. With the boring level design and lack of action in the cutscenes, DMC5 is falling behind both DMC3 and DMC4.
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Devotion feels like "one step forward, two steps back" in comparison with Detention, previous (and brilliant) work of Red Candle Games.
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