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Readers Gambit

280 games reviewed
72.8 average score
75 median score
46.4% of games recommended

Readers Gambit's Reviews

8.5 / 10.0 - Tekken 7
May 30, 2017

Tekken 7 is a massive milestone for the series in terms of gameplay, but a poor story and lack of offline modes might work against it.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Tokyo 42
May 30, 2017

Tokyo 42 is a tidy little package, representing another solid addition to the Mode 7 stable. For the princely sum of £14.99, there's a lot of game in there, and you could do far worse for your money.

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May 29, 2017

Revelator 2 has little that’s actually new in terms of modes; there’s a few new bells and whistles such as being to switch characters immediately from the menu in practice mode, and a refreshed online menu. That aside, it has all the neat features that the original Revelator did: the excellent tutorial, mission and challenge modes. So REV 2 essentially builds on an already great game.

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May 29, 2017

It’s safe to say that there is a lot included in Victor Vran: Overkill Edition. Whether you’re playing through the story solo or with a friend, there is plenty to keep you occupied. Even if you don’t get around to doing very little thing, there’s well over 50 hours of gameplay here if you're determined to stick around.

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8 / 10.0 - Shadow Warrior 2
May 24, 2017

Shadow Warrior 2 surpasses everything that was its predecessor's 2013 release. A larger roster of weaponry to choose from, a Diablo-esque loot system for equipment upgrades, greatly improved visuals and most importantly, a 4-player cooperative mode.

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8 / 10.0 - Injustice 2
May 23, 2017

Injustice 2 sinks its claws in deep and the story makes sure that you don’t want to go anywhere, even if you did try and pry them out.

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May 22, 2017

Ultimately, Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada is a pretty strong standalone title that welcomes new players while offering a somewhat fresh experience for fans.

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Skylar and Plux is a very good time, and would make a solid choice if you were hankering for some simple 3D platforming. But a massive warning about the technical issues that Skylar and Plux suffers is definitely warranted.

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7.5 / 10.0 - The Surge
May 15, 2017

The Surge, although an enjoyable experience, really fails to capitalise on the world it is set in. It's a step in the right direction for Deck13, but it's a baby step.

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8 / 10.0 - Human: Fall Flat
May 8, 2017

With fantastic level design, the fumbling humorous Human, and even the partially absent soundtrack, Human: Fall Flat is a blast to play. Although short-lived--your play time could vary as it is a puzzle game--Human: Fall Flat is a most welcomed momentary distraction to the more serious and heavy AAA games we have been recently getting flooded with.

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May 7, 2017

If you’re in the mood for some old-school platforming, Specter Of Torment is well worth putting the few hours needed, especially if you’ve yet to play Shovel Knight at all and buy it as part of the new Treasure Trove collection.

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As a standalone title, I found Dreamfall Chapters very hard to get into but those who do get absorbed are in for a treat. The story and delivery are fantastic and there is a lot to take in within the worlds, even if these worlds are let down by a few visual faux pas and dull puzzles.

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8.5 / 10.0 - World to the West
May 3, 2017

World to the West is a truly vibrant game that will have you bursting forth with your inner Indiana Jones.

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May 2, 2017

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 is a long way from being the best game in its genre. The shooting is satisfying, but that’s really about it. Almost everything else in the game, from the story to the AI to the loading times, leaves a lot to be desired.

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6 / 10.0 - Syberia 3
Apr 30, 2017

Having never played the previous two Syberia games, I can only comment on Syberia 3 as a standalone game. I have to say overall it is currently not very polished. It does have two things going for it though, the story and characters adding a great amount of depth to a game which otherwise would fall into obscurity otherwise.

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7 / 10.0 - The Silver Case
Apr 24, 2017

The Silver Case is still an enjoyable experience, despite some of its antiquated designs. Delving into the mind of a younger Suda51 can be a bit mental, and it's something that any enthusiast for his works should ensure they don't miss.

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8 / 10.0 - Puyo Puyo Tetris
Apr 23, 2017

uyo Puyo Tetris is clearly a targeted game. If you don’t like Tetris/Puyo Puyo, there’s little to no reason to pick it up. But, for those that do love Tetris, it’s a delight and more than makes up for the lack of a good Tetris game on modern consoles.

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Seeing the all-over improvement that Guardians has made over Batman, shows that TTG seem serious about making good superhero story games. It remains to be seen if this quality can be kept up in later episodes, particularly if we are only playing as Quill throughout them, but TTG have done enough to warrant me purchasing another episode at the very least.

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Apr 17, 2017

Regardless it was a bittersweet journey through Gladio’s thoughts and emotions. If this sort of story telling is being done with the rest of our budding king's entourage then I’d more than welcome it, whilst secretly wishing for more.

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7 / 10.0 - Rain World
Apr 16, 2017

Rain World is difficult and unrewarding unless you’re willing to persevere through unforgiving trials of time and sheer luck, then you’ll likely find a plain frustrating experience. That said, those who don’t waver are bound to find a gem within the rough.

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