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As it stands, Anthem needs some work done to it if we want to see its full glory.
Tetris is a pretty singular experience by itself and turning it into a massive multiplayer experience is such an intense joy that it’s hard to understand why no one has done something quite like this before.
The 2D skateboarding series comes to Switch and is worth checking out whether you're new to it or not
This latest dose of open world superhuman crime fighting action feels like a missed opportunity
New Dawn doesn’t ask complicated questions about what it all means for the fate of its world, it just asks you to enjoy it while it lasts.
The game is one for the long run, bringing some fantastic new features to the genre that set it apart from its rivals.
Observer is a love letter to cyberpunk and Blade Runner in particular, but if you look past that it's also a really great game in its own right. We are taken on a graphic and dark journey, in a bleak but believable world, meeting all manner of interesting and isolated characters as Dan searches for his son. Dripping with atmosphere, blood and chrome, this game is a slow, dark deliberate journey through the dark heart of a hellish future and the nightmares within. Observer is available from the Nintendo e-shop for £26.99
With so many violent games out these days, it's nice to kick back and chill with a cute game like this which gives you a little challenge as well as a nostalgia boost.
For the price of a cup of coffee it’s hard to deny that Downwell is a great addition to the Switch’s ever growing library of popular indie titles. Downwell has been around since 2015 but this version on Nintendo’s console feels like a fresh addition to the roster.
Kingdom Hearts III is an experience that's been worth waiting for, with this entry serving as one of the series' finest moments. Although the tangled storyline and horde of characters may be unapproachable to newcomers, the colourful, mind-boggling variation of the weapons and attacks in your arsenal is a truly dazzling spectacle, and undeniably fun for the duration of this 30-40 hour long epic. For long-time fans, this is a grand send off that completes the current story, with a particularly memorable finale that gives those fans exactly what they've been waiting for. With a killer soundtrack and an amazing array of enemies and worlds to boot, this could be 2019's first must-play hit.
Still, developer Sectordub have created a delightfully quirky experience with bags of personality. It might not last very long, but Pikuniku manages to deliver a lot of fun little moments before you see the end screen.
An impressive reimagining of one of the series' most well loved games
While it’s not groundbreaking like Super Mario Odyssey, New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe is still a really solid, addicting platformer with plenty of fun to be had, especially when playing it with friends.
GRIS's aesthetic - the work of artist Conrad Roset - makes it one of the most visually compelling games not only of the year, but in recent memory. But the graphics are simply the start, as Nomada Studio have crafted a genuinely unique experience that will stay with you long after you see the credits. The gameplay might be a little too simple for some and the narrative is a tad esoteric in rare spots, but if titles like Journey, Limbo and Inside struck a chord with you, GRIS deserves to be next on your list.
Super Smash Bros Ultimate plays to the switch's strengths of quick pick up and play multiplayer battles with friends, but there's enough on offer to keep single players busy too. While it does share a lot of DNA with its predecessors, Super Smash Bros Ultimate is a more evolved and polished version of the franchise and one of the best titles on the Nintendo Switch. The game feels a lot more balanced and considered, but without losing any of the fun. With a dizzying array of customisation, modes, characters and levels, if you're a Smash lover and beat 'em up fan you owe it to yourself to get this game.
Darksiders 3 is for the most part a fun and well made adventure that you'll want to see through to the end. But while the different approach to combat is indeed an attempt to push the series somewhere new, in the end it leaves the whole experience feeling slightly off-balance, coming across like a watered down Dark Souls in spots when it should have had enough personality in its own right.
The best thing about Fallout 76 is the huge detailed wilderness to explore. If you're a Fallout fan there are definitely things to see and you'll be familiar enough with the story and mechanics to enjoy it. However if this is your first foray or you are expecting a game like Fallout 4 then you might want to wait until a few updates have been released and hope that they fill out the world a bit more with personality and story.
If you want a true blast from the past, Spyro Reignited has plenty to offer. The design, simplicity and cheeky grin on Spyro's face really makes the game a delight to play. Levels have been remade to such accuracy that if you have an old Spyro guide laying around it you could use it for reference. With all the nostalgia aside the game performs well but unfortunately is not without its flaws, becoming a little stale at times and with controls that needed a bit more work.
The well designed maps, engaging approach to single player and wealth of progression and customisation options mean that even hardcore players will be satisfied. For fans of the series, this comes highly recommended.
There is a lot to do in the game even when you beat all the gyms and will take you by surprise if you expected it to be a watered down version of the Pokemon Games, but they have really created a game for all players. The Gen 1 only thing is a slight niggle in the side, but is easily let it go considering how well the game performs overall.